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SoundSpot Union Bundle Sale

Larry Shelby

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12 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

For anyone interested, make sure you try the demo of Union first.

When I did, it had a crazy impact on system resources, especially for something that doesn't do complex physical modeling or some such. So I chose to pass on it. YMMV.

I got Union for something like $5 a while back. But for the life of me, I could not get any velocity response to work with it. Every note at 100% velocity!

I even contacted SoundSpot support, and they never responded. So I chose to remove it.

Yes, I am aware that they issued a software update with an option for velocity (that was an afterthought?), but it has no effect that I can see. They never updated their documentation for the update either. SMH. Otherwise it looked like an interesting synth... ?

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SoundSpot have a poor rep I think because the quality level on their stuff is widely variable, and you can get it so cheaply. Also, some of them don't even have manuals.

Some of them, though, had permanent residence in my projects. I say "had," because I since took advantage of specials from Meldaproduction and (especially) Plugin Alliance. Also IK Multimedia freebies.

Cyclone is a really good mid-side bus compressor with an attractive UI.  I still use Voxbox over anything else because I've not found an ADT plug-in with a better visual representation of what it's doing. That's where their stuff really shines, in the UI's. Unfortunately, again, in the tests I've run, some of the animated UI's can be resource-eaters. Not all of them, but usually the more complex ones. They apparently don't use OpenGL or whatever to offload the processing to the GPU.

Others I think are good are Velo 2, MSW2, Hiku, Glitch, Axis, and Overtone (also really pretty UI). Focus is fine for what it does, but you can get a similar plug-in by bx for free. Kickbox gets fast results on kick sounds. The compressor in it can really slam.

My take on them overall is that if you're on a budget and/or new to mixing, these plug-ins are good deals for building a collection of 3rd-party FX. They get fast results and the visual feedback is usually great.

I don't use Cyclone much since I got alpha compressor, don't use Overtone since I got Millenia NSEQ, but I definitely got my money's worth in years past.

Ones I would avoid: Percolate, which is basically a parametric EQ turned on its side, and Oracle, which has IMO, a really crappy reverb algorithm. It had potential to be interesting as a creative effect, but that reverb (and it bills itself as a reverb)....

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