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Studio One 5.4 Available now!

Larry Shelby

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Version 5.4.1 Release Notes (October 14, 2021):

The following issues have been fixed:
● [Apple Silicon Native] Tuner shows incorrect results
● [ATOM SQ] Fixed page numbers for Song, Instrument, and Editor buttons
● [macOS] Touch event is offset in plug-in select menu
● [Note Editor] Tab to next note not working consistently
● 32-bit float recording from Capture shows up as 16-bit in Studio One
● Alt+Drag in arrangement intermittently crashes S1
● BPM from WAV file not properly applied to audio part
● Can’t drag WAV files to browser to export events with FX
● Cancel mixdown keeps rendered part
● Crash when closing plug-in editor via touch
● Crash with Acustica Audio N4 plug-in
● "Cursor follows edit position” option fails when dragging chords from the chord track to
the arrangement
● Dragging notes from note editor to arrangement delivers unexpected results
● Dragging time-stretched audio event with detected chords to instrument track creates
event with wrong length
● Dragging Splitter from browser search result shows unwanted behavior
● Higher audio monitoring latency reported in certain cases
● Impact XT inside a multi-instrument creates unwanted noise
● Note On not sent to MIDI outputs when MPE enabled
● Pipeline ‘ping’ doesn’t work when transport is stopped
● Potential crash on system shutdown when Studio One is still open
● Scores from Notion using Jazz font are displayed incorrectly
● Some automation parameters may be linked to the wrong track with bus automation
● SoundCloud browser tab occasionally stays empty
● With Plug-in Nap active, reverb tail is cut from certain AU plug-ins
● With Show Page in Perform View, pressing space bar to play/stop doesn’t work when
Setlist is in focus


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