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Three Short Virtual Keyboard Works

Jerry Gerber

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49 minutes ago, jwnicholson78 said:

Very impressive compositions.   Did you record these?  The sound like maybe they are little too quantized and could benefit from some humanization.


49 minutes ago, jwnicholson78 said:

Very impressive compositions.   Did you record these?  The sound like maybe they are little too quantized and could benefit from some humanization.

Thanks jwnicholson.  If you mean record as play them into Cakewalk, no, I sequenced them.   I try to achieve a sense of intention and humanness through rhythmic syncopation, tempo variations and always paying attention to strong and weak beats.   This approach may not be within your tastes.

If you'd like to hear something utterly spontaneous, nothing memorized, sequenced or quantized, here's some free improv for piano and clarinet.  

https://www.jerrygerber.com/mp3/Austin Gerber Improv.mp3

Thank you for listening jwnicholson, much appreciated!




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6 hours ago, Jesse Screed said:

The Master posts!

If I hadn't read this interview from Soundbytes Mag


I would have thought you were otherworldly, but in truth, you are just a well practiced, extremely talented, human being to which we can all listen to learn, and be entertained.

Glad you enjoyed the pieces Jesse and thank you for the kind comments! 



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