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from "Elemental", a rocking tune called "Center of Everywhere"

bats brew

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17 hours ago, antler said:

Loving the shuffle-rock groove, and the 'passive break' (not really sure what to call it when the instruments thin out a bit and slow down) in the middle! Really good mix too.

Thanks antler!

Passive break, that is an interesting term.

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7 hours ago, AndyB01 said:

10/10 - another ? for the 'passive break' ?

Amazing chops - I love it when the guitars harmonise - such a signature sound for your stuff.


 hey andy, thanks for listening, 'passive break', i gotta use that from now on. heheh

i love guitar harmonizing, but i've done it to death in the past, just because it's so easy for me, i mean really easy. i can harmonize with stuff that's out of pitch. LOL

but, i'm trying to get more judicious on where i use it, and how often, so i try not to do it too much,

just where it seems to want it, or need it.

i always play my harmonies, never use studio tricks for that stuff.  i just practice it till it falls into place.

and sometimes, it doesn't!!! ?

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