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Red Blooded Man


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You can really string some tasty chords together. 

Kudos for the personal expression - which in my opinion begs the question, why did you really feel compelled to express it?  The overall affect, for me, was a pretty amazing musical track, that was reduced to being a mere bed for some insular manifesto.  You get to say whatever your heart tells you to say! My question would be, what compelled you to put it to music - yes, you are an unapologetic American man, check. 

Do you by any chance criticize others who proclaim their definitions in the same manner in which you do here?


do you want to live in a world where we all trumpet the distinction of our identities? Or would that be the kind of world you would criticize?

that bass performance is cool, and when you modulate it, that's very clever stuff. I am a fan of your tunes, and I consider you to be the absolute winner of the "most improved" award. You are killing it lately! Just found myself asking why you find it necessary to announce this - and frankly, your awesome steely danesque jazz sensibilities in my opinion really don't match the manifesto - or am I just too used to hearing Lee Greenwood and Toby Keith use anthems to bring out this message?


Interesting stuff, John, and again, the music was really tastefully done.




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3 hours ago, emeraldsoul said:

 You get to say whatever your heart tells you to say! My question would be, what compelled you to put it to music - yes, you are an unapologetic American man, check. 

You could say it's raising awareness, Tom.

First of all, thank for the kudos on the music.

I don't know what part of the world you are from (European, American....etc) but here in the USA there seems to be an outright attack on masculinity.


There was much controversy a few months back regarding a Gillette commercial that makes the average American man look like some kind of raging wolf, chasing women and practically raping them with their eyes.  Many men have had false rape allegations  against them and their lives ruined because we're told to "always believe women" when they say they are raped.  Not downplaying the horror a woman goes through when she is really raped.  (These false charges also cheapen real victims stories).   Time used to be that if a woman and man had a sexual relation when they were both drunk, the man wasn't necessarily thought to be taking advantage of her, but now a woman can, on the day after, claim that a the man raped her and have him arrested, even though she consented.  And if it's later found out that she lied about it, she didn't suffer consequences for it.



Do you think this is fair, Tom?

Google the #metoo movement and then google the MGTOW movement.

In the USA, family courts always seem to be on the side of women for child custody, support and alimony.  A man can go to jail for non payment of child support but not a woman if she is in the non custodial position (which rarely happens).  Not saying that a man should get away with avoiding his responsibilities in child rearing, but this should apply to women too!

Look at what happened to the Boy Scouts.  This was a great organization that was destroyed by the feminist movement.  They have recently made attacks on Father's day too and soon you will see "Special Person's Day" replacing Father's Day.

These things are really happening in our society and our world and perhaps I'm trying to help raise awareness about it.  If it offends you (or anybody else) so be it.  Someday when you are being castigated for just being a man, you'll wish you wouldn't have questioned this.  Also consider the Don Lemon quote above https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0Aq2cs1Sqg

As a white American man, I resent his assessment as should every white American man!  Most men I know are NOT terrorists.

First the idiot says that "we have to stop demonizing people" and then demonizes white men!

I urge you to research this, especially if you have a problem with my little ditty.  Learn what's going on in the world with this because it might be to your peril someday if you don't.

Men are an endangered species.  I hate to break it to you, but it's true.  RESEARCH IT!

I'm proud of my song (statement) and proud of what I am and I'm simply saying F-you to Lemon and the feminist man haters!

?John B.

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Well, thanks John, you state your case and I accept that's where you are coming from. I checked the Youtube links and I got Joe Rogan (who can be very funny!) and a Youtuber wannabe. I'm sure I could research and find other pro-man, anti-feminist sources and opinions.

Which would mean that those opinions are out there . . . but I for one would respectfully disagree in the particulars. I don't view men as an "endangered species" nor am I likely to have my chain jerked by a marketing decision made by a razor company. Don Lemon is one voice out of many, a voice one can simply turn off with the click of a button. And I was actually a former counsellor in the Boy Scouts of America, and I think it's just fine that it's being blended in with the girls. What women and men open themselves up to, legally, when drunk together, isn't the sort of thing that's even on my radar. Perhaps I'm just super naive about the horrors and trapdoors that you describe.

These are just my opinions, and you are more than entitled to yours.

John, my respected friend in music, you actually sent me a Youtube link of Glenn Beck, dressed as Colonel Sanders, giving his take on the Don Lemon "controversy" . . .  too surreal for me to really deal with now! But do you think that Don Lemon was referring to the Timothy McVeigh-type white men terrorists, the Charlottesville tiki-torch crowd, or was he really suggesting that "all white men are terrorists"? I dunno. It's an important distinction to make.


I agree there should be equity in family courts. 100%

I agree that there are some uber-feminists that are blind, reasonless "man haters" - I'd count them as less than 1%.

The day they take Father's Day off the calendar, I'll eat my hat. 


cheers, bro. I don't have a problem with your song or your expression, but mainly was surprised that theme came out from you so strongly.  If you listen to your other songs, as I have, they are mostly extolling the virtues of women, of relationships with women . . . correct? I guess I was just surprised, and maybe that's not really a bad thing at all.



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57 minutes ago, emeraldsoul said:

Well, thanks John, you state your case and I accept that's where you are coming from. I checked the Youtube links and I got Joe Rogan (who can be very funny!) and a Youtuber wannabe. I'm sure I could research and find other pro-man, anti-feminist sources and opinions.

Which would mean that those opinions are out there . . . but I for one would respectfully disagree in the particulars. I don't view men as an "endangered species" nor am I likely to have my chain jerked by a marketing decision made by a razor company. Don Lemon is one voice out of many, a voice one can simply turn off with the click of a button. And I was actually a former counsellor in the Boy Scouts of America, and I think it's just fine that it's being blended in with the girls. What women and men open themselves up to, legally, when drunk together, isn't the sort of thing that's even on my radar. Perhaps I'm just super naive about the horrors and trapdoors that you describe.

These are just my opinions, and you are more than entitled to yours.

John, my respected friend in music, you actually sent me a Youtube link of Glenn Beck, dressed as Colonel Sanders, giving his take on the Don Lemon "controversy" . . .  too surreal for me to really deal with now! But do you think that Don Lemon was referring to the Timothy McVeigh-type white men terrorists, the Charlottesville tiki-torch crowd, or was he really suggesting that "all white men are terrorists"? I dunno. It's an important distinction to make.


I agree there should be equity in family courts. 100%

I agree that there are some uber-feminists that are blind, reasonless "man haters" - I'd count them as less than 1%.

The day they take Father's Day off the calendar, I'll eat my hat. 


cheers, bro. I don't have a problem with your song or your expression, but mainly was surprised that theme came out from you so strongly.  If you listen to your other songs, as I have, they are mostly extolling the virtues of women, of relationships with women . . . correct? I guess I was just surprised, and maybe that's not really a bad thing at all.



People like McVeigh and Dylan Roof are abhorrent, for sure.  I have many black friends and I hate to see any good people, regardless of color, religion or creed be abused and destroyed.  I've read the accounts of Emmitt Till and George Stinney and I'm sickened by the injustices that were done to those young men brought on by ignorance and lies.  So, I'm not racist.  Some  people have said caucasians are racist just because they are caucasian.  I take offense to that.  Maybe I just watch too many youtube videos.  In my little community in SE Pennsylvania I can still take a morning walk and enjoy myself without fear, so sometimes I tell myself to just calm down until I have a personal reason to worry.  And yes, I still like to believe that women are still worth writing love songs about, but I will say that I'm just glad the world wasn't like it is now back in the late 70s when I met my first wife.  Now you have to be afraid to ask a woman out for fear they'd nail you for harassment!


PS: I did so much get a kick out of Glenn Beck with the Colonel Sanders outfit!  LMAO!!?

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Hi John

With the fear of falling out with someone, I am choosing not to comment on the subject matter but I have to say that musically, this is excellent and your vocal performance sits in there perfectly. That bassline is the shizzle. 

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Tricky subject mater so I will avoid the subject mater other than to say there does seem to be a general mood to complain, moan, criticise, point the finger about anything just because people now have access to world wide platforms.

Musically I found the song very well performed and written the lyrics do little for me.


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OK.  I accept that.   I'm still proud of the song, words & music and I don't see why people have a problem with just the declaration that I'm proud to be what I am, but I do realize that in this day and age it's political subject matter.  I appreciate and respect your not wanting to get involved with it and I thank you for your kind words on the music.


?John B.

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