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IK 25th Anniversary Group Buy - Your best product purchases

Max Arwood

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20 hours ago, Vernon Barnes said:

How useful are those lower cost "genre specific" Sampletank libraries if you are not aiming at making that style of music? Are there a lot of good sounds that could be used in a different context?

I didn't find any use for them. i am not really a big loop user. i did find LA Confidential was quite useful to jam out to.

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19 minutes ago, bluzdog said:

I picked all of my available freebies before they added the X-Series stuff. I will only be able to pick three of them. The big question is which one to pass on. I keep going back and forth between Space and Vibe. Any suggestions?

it really depends what sort of guitar effects you are into. i am a big delay, tremolo and vibro fan.. so i tend to like those ones more. FWIW.. I find all the x-pedals are all very modern sounding. i think i will most probably still keep reaching out to the emulations of legendary pedals in AT 5  for a lot of the stuff i do. these x-pedals are probably something i will tinker with to experiment with guitar sounds and *possibly* try sound design with it -- though doubt it... as i have limited time and tend to spend more time on song structure.

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33 minutes ago, kennywtelejazz said:

Before this I K group buy I had T Racks CS Deluxe with The Multi Band series and a few other assorted plugs. After thinking long and hard I realized  I would do so much better if I just bought T Racks 5 ...the version that came with Master Match , Dyna-Mu ,EQual, and One ....that was a good plan because I wanted to get those plugs any way and if I went ala carte I would have used up four prom slots to pull it off ...so for $149.00 I was in the group buy, I bumped up my T Racks and I got 4 plugs for the price of one  ?

Then I wound up picking up 14 of  the T Racks plugs I always wanted ...all the good stuff  I wanted but  could never afford on my own ...

Then I got a hold of Sunset Sound Studio Reverb ..I'm very happy with that plug .

There was only a coupe of Amplitube 5 collections I didn't have so I grabbed them to fill things out . Dimebag , Satriani ,and  The Fullerton  ..

I already had Mix Box so I decided to get the Leslie for both T Racks and Amplitube 5 .

I would say I was very happy when IK decided to include The X - Series as promotional products ....they were out of my reach as hardware so I feel very lucky I was able to use my last 4 slots to swing those ...

that's my list for now , all the best ,


The Leslie I am a big fan of. I have been using it for a few years. Great for getting really interesting clean retor tones.

I still think IKM really screwed up the interface of the Fullertons in AT 5. They look and work better functionally in AT 4.

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2 minutes ago, kennywtelejazz said:

Yes The Leslie is sounding really good . I'm enjoying what I have played and heard so far .

Most of my time in Amplitube 5 lately has been as a stand alone  application . Experimenting with tones and the whole 9 ...

I had a rude awakening today when I went to use it in a simple Cakewalk project with only a few tracks  ..Amplitube 5 literally brought my computer to a stop sign .

I have noticed AT 4 runs a lot smoother resource wise ? I hope I K sorts this one out I know I'm not alone in this issue .





what are your computer specs.?

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7 minutes ago, kennywtelejazz said:

Yes The Leslie is sounding really good . I'm enjoying what I have played and heard so far .

Most of my time in Amplitube 5 lately has been as a stand alone  application . Experimenting with tones and the whole 9 ...

I had a rude awakening today when I went to use it in a simple Cakewalk project with only a few tracks  ..Amplitube 5 literally brought my computer to a stop sign .

I have noticed AT 4 runs a lot smoother resource wise ? I hope I K sorts this one out I know I'm not alone in this issue .





I know what you mean and have tested on my i7 4790 different iteration of Amplitube. You can find my findings elsewhere on this forum, but in a nutshell, cpu usage has doubled twice. Once from AT4 to AT5 5.0.3, then another doubling from At5 5.0.3 to 5.1.0. I have made IK support aware of this and they are looking into it. I am ok and understand the jump in CPU usage from AT4 to AT5.0.3, it is a complete new beast and the changes are incredible. But I am not ok for the change between 5.03 and 5.1.0, where very little change for the user happened for so much cpu usage increase.

You may want to voice your concern to support. The more input they have the better.

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44 minutes ago, kennywtelejazz said:

My Gut honest answer to you is in all honesty   my picks would be The X - Drive , The X- Space , and The X -Time   These would be the 3 I would keep if I had to give one of my X Series pedal emulations back to I K .

This is a real good analysis Kenny. I am glad I do not have to choose. Your experiments has given me new ideas of things to try out. I would not have thought of doubling up.

I have a fairly powerful machine, but like others, I am concerned about the performance hit. I really do hope IKM can sort these issues out and get rid of that stupid popup that displays every time I start AmpliTube5.

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51 minutes ago, kennywtelejazz said:

I had a rude awakening today when I went to use it in a simple Cakewalk project with only a few tracks  ..Amplitube 5 literally brought my computer to a stop sign .

I have noticed AT 4 runs a lot smoother resource wise ? I hope I K sorts this one out I know I'm not alone in this issue .

Kenny, you are not alone!

I was able to reproduce Jacques' performance findings on my computer. He is correct, and hopefully IK can do something about the increased CPU hit with the latest iterations of AT5.

My latest PC, that I built last year with an Intel i5-9600K, 6 cores locked at 4.3GHz with turbo to 4.6GHz, on an Asus Prime Z-390A board sees the hit.

Just running AT5 with the default preset on a single DAW track here, the plugin now consumes 11% of my CPU at idle. Not good.

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12 hours ago, kennywtelejazz said:

Don't ask me that ...it's too embarrassing ?



yeah.  that might do it.  ? AT 5 does use lots of resources. I think until you revist your setup, you might be better of sticking to AT 4 in a DAW. 


Edited by telecode 101
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6 minutes ago, abacab said:

Kenny, you are not alone!

I was able to reproduce Jacques' performance findings on my computer. He is correct, and hopefully IK can do something about the increased CPU hit with the latest iterations of AT5.

My latest PC, that I built last year with an Intel i5-9600K, 6 cores locked at 4.3GHz with turbo to 4.6GHz, on an Asus Prime Z-390A board sees the hit.

Just running AT5 with the default preset on a single DAW track here, the plugin now consumes 11% of my CPU at idle. Not good.

FWIW I am on a dual Xeon E3-1271  and 32gb or RAM. But I do all sorts of other things on this DAW. 

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1 hour ago, kennywtelejazz said:

One of the beauty's of The X - Series pedal emulations are you have them within The Amplitube Eco System .

IMHO that makes it super easy to get creative when it comes to dialing up new sounds and getting more mileage out of the factory presets by altering them and saving them both as an Amplitube patch and also saving the individual X -Series patch as your own within the X pedal you happen to be using .

Doubling up is something I like to do .

Example ,  The X - Vibe has a number of individual effects that  people tend use together ..ex ...Chorus w Tremolo , Phase w Rotary ect ....So you can double up on them  by adding two X Series pedals . In that respect it may hold value .

Same goes for the X - Time you can double up w 2 instances and hit places and sounds you may  have never thought of before ...

So far my personal favorite from the X Series are The X - Space because it has a lot of other worldly sounds I would not be able to get unless I went out and dropped some serious coin on a few things like an E H Grand Canyon or other reverb emulations from other brands that do stuff like that . For me to get that with the software reverb's I have it probably could be done but my feeling is if I could have done it I would have done it by now with what I had before the group buy  ? 

for delay

On my pedal board I have a T C Flash Back and an EH Memory Toy ...I always use those two together , they are set to complementary sounds , one short, one longer  my delay mix volumes are set to where you really have to listen close to hear them  so when I shut one off the whole vibe go's flat ....

I got a lot of money in that pedal board and so far it just sits in my closet collecting dust ...so why am I bring this up ,,,I like simplicity and a lack of clutter in my personal space ....so the software is a good mix for my temperament .

back to topic

I love the X - Time also because it has both the retro tones and the modern delay sounds . In addition to that we are in the Amplitube Eco System so doubling up and routing is simplified .

I just got the X - Drive last night and it is pretty deep actually . if you look at a pic of the hardware the software version is a little bit different .Underneath the software where that patch title is there's four dots ...those open up to different sub menu's of what you can alter to dial in the pedals sound ...I also like the cab emulation sounds ..

It sound very good and it is also very deep as far as dialing in tones go .

This is a tough call what you are asking me because before I got these X - Series pedal emulations there was a lot of ambient chordal guitar tones I would have to spend hours trying to come up with using a whole bunch of different manufacturers products .  Simplicity means a lot to me these days because I know what it feels like to spend 5 hours using different products to come up with a sound ...only to have fresh ears decide it wasn't as hip as I thought it was .

My Gut honest answer to you is in all honesty   my picks would be The X - Drive , The X- Space , and The X -Time   These would be the 3 I would keep if I had to give one of my X Series pedal emulations back to I K .

Chorus's , Phasors , and all those type of modulation sounds are not a really big part of my sound and if I had to go there I have some decent products in both hardware and software  that can produce those type of sounds ....

Good luck with what ever you decide to do ,



PS you can demo them for 72 hours VIA The Custom Shop if I'm not mistaken ...

Wow, thanks for that Kenny. That helps a lot. The main thing I like about the X-Vibe is the flanger/doubler but I have the PA version. There was a sound guy in the 80's that would put my gtr through a flanger/doubler in the foh and it sounded amazing. I have all of the AT bundles so I have lots of chorus pedals, Leslies etc. 

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55 minutes ago, abacab said:

That's about 5 generations out of date. Maybe time to upgrade?

it is but its better than what i was using which was a i7 which was 10 generations out of date. I dont game. I work on stats for a day job. i just load up TB's of CSV files and analyze them. ?



Edited by telecode 101
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18 minutes ago, bluzdog said:

Wow, thanks for that Kenny. That helps a lot. The main thing I like about the X-Vibe is the flanger/doubler but I have the PA version. There was a sound guy in the 80's that would put my gtr through a flanger/doubler in the foh and it sounded amazing. I have all of the AT bundles so I have lots of chorus pedals, Leslies etc. 

I count 21 other modulation pedals in AT5, besides the X-Vibe, with all of the AT collections installed.

And if you have MixBox, there are a ton of modulation effects in there. Of course that would be outboard of AT5, but there is plenty of "vibe" to be had in MixBox.

So I guess if you had to pass on one X pedal, you could probably make do without X-Vibe.

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