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Cakewalk says "The Operating System Presently Not Configured to Run this application"

Josh Barron

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I have went through everything online and everyone just says to make sure everything is updated. Everything is updated and I have uninstalled Cakewalk and reinstalled it. Everything with this has worked perfectly fine since I started using this (since launch) and this morning I get this message. It started when I suddenly had issues with exporting audio. I thought maybe I needed to update to the latest version of Cakewalk but then after that I get this message. 

Anyone know how I might fix this? I am in the middle of a project and I am stressing out about this because I keep coming up empty-handed after trying everything. 

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What operating system are you using? Windows 10? Put some more information about your system specs in the post (see my sig for an example) and it will make it much easier and more likely for someone to be able to give you good advice.

I Googled the error message (just put quotes around it before you search) and got lots of hits, many of them saying that it happens when some app or other (maybe a plug-in) tries to talk to the Microsoft Access database connector. Somehow the database connector gets corrupted. Then they outline how to repair the database connector.

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@Josh Barron - we've been getting a lot of these kind of reports lately, and it seems to be down to something installing an older or broken version of the Microsoft VC++ redistributables. 

For me, it was Melda v15 that caused the issues, but there could be some other cause.

This may not be the cause your issue, but there's no harm in ensuring you're running the latest VC++ redists.

The latest redists can be found here:  https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-160

You'll want to install the x64 version of the redists for "Visual Studio 2012",  "Visual Studio 2013" and "Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2022"

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  • 10 months later...

wondering also if some Windows Security settings are blocking some older VC, file access, etc. i've found on one of my machines (newly updated overall) that the Windows Security enabled all kinds of "safety features" which i had to turn off (things like "prevent google chrome from running", "prevent apple itunes from connecting to apple store", "don't allow download of non-MS approved files", "only install half of the application without warning user", "turn on intrusive file indexing as high priority service to prevent disk usage", etc) ? (not really those, but several policies which had the same effect).

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