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control surface : custom ACT definition help ?


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I have a Novation LaunchControl (small one, not XL), with 2x8 rotaries + 8 buttons and 4 arrows buttons.

note : LaunchControl is a simple MIDI device that emits MIDI controllers for rotaries or MIDI notes for buttons.

I did not find any predefined ACT preset, so I am building one.

No problem to learn the 2x8 knobs and assign them to volume and pan of the 8 WAI selected tracks.

BUT I cannot manage to do the following things :

- assign the 8 buttons (under the 2x8 rotaries) to mute the corresponding 8 WAI tracks (I just found a "mute selected track" that modifies only the selected track).

- program the 4 arrows buttons to do things like :

     - selecting next track groups (1-8, 9-16, 17-24, etc...)

     - switching vol/pan to send1/send2 for example.

Any idea ?

EDIT : It's this controller :



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With "Cakewalk ACT MIDI" you can't configure 8 buttons + extra 4 arrows (at most 1 of them as a "Shift" for  8 buttons). WAI based buttons (f.e. Mute) is also not an option, if I remember correctly. But with 2 Banks and corresponding switch buttons you can make vol/pan <-> sends working.

With "Cakewalk Generic Controller" you can configure 2x8 + 8 + 4. But  switching banks, like vol/pan to sends, is not possible.

To avoid any limitations you can use AZ Controller (www.azslow.com). But it is harder to configure.

The world is not perfect ?


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Yes, I have started to write it when I was stuck in attempts to setup existing plug-ins the way I want ?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Baoo0-CysSI&t=87s is a good starting point in your case.

For switching between strip and sends control... that can be challenging for you at the beginning. In case you have future questions about AZ Controller, please use my forum or PM.

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Hi Heinz,

My bad, it's not the launchpad, but the LaunchControl. Here it is:


I precisely know what channel/controls/notes it sends for each buttons and its 8 user + 8 factory banks.

You can find the MIDI guide in attachment. Waat it sends, and what it receives (to light up the buttons)

If you are on the AZSlow forum, I opened a post there :


Thanks for your help



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Map 1 should be enough for the beginning, I have a basic Preset with  normal, double press and long press actions on every button, additional  we can use a Shift and Ctrl Button, so a lot possibilities for actions...

If you can wait a few days I can make a first starting point...so what do you want to have on the Buttons? 

For normal actions I do have on my preset:

Vol, Pan, Sends 1-6, (Pan Sends 1-6), Solo,, Mute, Rec Arm, A.Write, Phase and Echo.

For the Buttons on the right I have Start, Stopp, Rec, WAI +-, Shift and Ctrl Button.


I think I do make these and just tell me if it is OK for the first preset....





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I posted my needs on the AZSlow forum, I thought you were there maybe...

I'd like to define my own, because I have a precise idea of what I need :
- infact  I do not care about mixing vol/pan/mute, etc...
- I want to use the device as a recording remote when I'm recording my sax in front of the mic, and do not want to stay near PC/keyb/mouse.

But remember : I have a LaunchControl "normal", not "XL". Only 2x8 rota + 8 buttons + 4 arrows

So basically I need :
- button1 : STOP
- button 2 : PLAY
- button 3: arm/unarm current selected track
- button 4 : RECORD
- buttons 5 -6: move time to FROM or THRU markers
- button UP/DOWN: select previous/next track
- rotary1: change current selected track volume using a rotary (I don't know if you have access to the concept of "current selected track")
- rotary2: move time between FROM and THRU (this one may be tricky)

BTW, can you tell me where to look to see available cakewalk commands ? (like the ones I described just before)

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As you do not have the same device as mine, I started a preset, with the hardware of user 1 map :

rotas A1-8

rota B1-8

buttons C1-8

buttons left/right/up/down

in attachement


EDIT : finally with your valuable advices, I managed to program the remote I wanted. With even the JOG, absolute and relative. Very useful. Here is the file, if it can be useful.


I just have one thing that cannot figure out : how can I write a command that unarms all armed track, and then arm the selected one ?

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