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"The Last Manthric Space Opera of Saturn"


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PhonoBrainer . . . you've done it again . . .  loving the ambience of the orchestral warm up in your intro, was that a cat wailing ? hope he's OK . . . then the cliché announcer, and especially when your alto (not soprano) opera singer sample shatters some glasses, oh yeah, you know how to have some fun, and your sense of humor always shines through in all your stuff. That's a pretty stellar electric guitar solo you captured later as it goes, and it's panned everywhere, super huge sound !

I'm also impressed by the different ambiences you've dialed in on various instruments through the piece, makes it sound multi dimensional.

The video version bends the mind and the eyes some (as I'm sure you intended) . . . also, because I just started playing around with some video software for my own tunes . . . I am humbled by the possibilities of what you've accomplished here with music and video, simply amazing ! . . . and above all, it's very cerebrally entertaining.

Space Reggae Opera indeed. (have you talked to your music therapist about genre confusion ? Lol)

So, as I've said before . . . whatever will he come up with next ?

You always deliver.

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On 10/4/2021 at 10:55 PM, bjornpdx said:

Tom,   Epic trip!   Thoroughly enjoyed the video.  Wish I could comment more on the mix and other audio stuff but I thought it all blended together well and made one enjoyable show. Just excellent work my friend.


Hi Bjorn! Thanks for the comment and I'm glad you liked the video voyage. You make some cool travel vids that I've always liked as well.



On 10/5/2021 at 3:04 AM, Wookiee said:

As request watched at 1440 on the 21.9 monitor, listened on my Event 20/20's as the rest of the studio has not yet been turned on so far today.

As you say Tom ever song is different and that was different do you think your prayer has been heard?

Mix was effective here, I watched the video which is unusual as I normally find them a distraction from listening to the audio.  Yes I did unfortunaly.

thanks Wookster for the listen, and the enigmatic comments!  :)

On 10/5/2021 at 10:14 AM, Larry T. said:

Extremely well done, enjoyed very much....echoes of mike oldfield, eno, tangerine dream....question if you have time, did you use Melodyne for the female opera voice?? ????

Hi Larry! Thanks so much - the opera lady is from Fluffy Audio's Kontakt instrument "Spaghetti Western" - that library has a lot of different niches covered.

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On 10/5/2021 at 8:31 PM, noynekker said:

PhonoBrainer . . . you've done it again . . .  loving the ambience of the orchestral warm up in your intro, was that a cat wailing ? hope he's OK . . . then the cliché announcer, and especially when your alto (not soprano) opera singer sample shatters some glasses, oh yeah, you know how to have some fun, and your sense of humor always shines through in all your stuff. That's a pretty stellar electric guitar solo you captured later as it goes, and it's panned everywhere, super huge sound !

I'm also impressed by the different ambiences you've dialed in on various instruments through the piece, makes it sound multi dimensional.

The video version bends the mind and the eyes some (as I'm sure you intended) . . . also, because I just started playing around with some video software for my own tunes . . . I am humbled by the possibilities of what you've accomplished here with music and video, simply amazing ! . . . and above all, it's very cerebrally entertaining.

Space Reggae Opera indeed. (have you talked to your music therapist about genre confusion ? Lol)

So, as I've said before . . . whatever will he come up with next ?

You always deliver.

yess! genre confusion indeed! so glad you found it entertaining and worth 8 minutes that you can't get back. I really am trying to put things in different reverbed spaces and have them still fit together. It doesn't always work. The electric guitar solo you can read about in an earlier post in this thread, spoiler alert it's keyboard. 

I very much appreciate and am humbled by your comments. The videos are always a lot of fun to make, constrained by the limit of hey, it's just a bunch of disparate video clips from stock this and that, trying to be a story, kind of!


cheers mate,


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Hi Tom....i was listening again today and i just remembered the opera diva from Luc Besson's movie The Fifth Element (one of my favorites)....coincidence????....lol!!....Thanks again for some great music and video to enjoy ????

Edited by Larry T.
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I've finally figured out what memory this triggered in my brain......

Remember that early 70's French full length animation called "Fantastic Planet"

That's it.....but in hi fi .

It's Really something.


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/13/2021 at 7:51 AM, AndyB01 said:

Tom - completely and totally sublime. I mean that is one incredible piece of content you created there - of which you should be rightfully proud.

Brilliant is the only adjective that comes to mind.


Hi Andy, wow thanks a lot, really appreciate that! Glad you liked it. Thanks!


On 10/12/2021 at 3:53 PM, Larry T. said:

Hi Tom....i was listening again today and i just remembered the opera diva from Luc Besson's movie The Fifth Element (one of my favorites)....coincidence????....lol!!....Thanks again for some great music and video to enjoy ????

Larry, if it's a cheesy opera diva in that movie, then that's the one!!! Many thanks for the listens!



On 10/12/2021 at 5:34 PM, CSW said:

I've finally figured out what memory this triggered in my brain......

Remember that early 70's French full length animation called "Fantastic Planet"

That's it.....but in hi fi .

It's Really something.


Craig, I'm off to check that movie if I can find it! So glad you liked . . . thanks!

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On 10/9/2021 at 2:02 PM, mark skinner said:

I thought this was Awesome ! Music and the video. The mix was wonderfully open and clear. I really got a binaural feel and felt like I was in the mix. Very impressive job ..  mark

Thanks Mark, high praise coming from you. The soundcloud comments are off the chain! Super glad you liked it, thanks!


On 10/12/2021 at 1:38 PM, antler said:

Very creative and unique. Thought the opera cracking the glass was funny (in a good way) and loved the guitar solo. Thanks for sharing!

Antler thanks! The glass breaking thing I got lucky with , I think the timing came out pretty good for some humor, or maybe it's all just weird. But thanks so much!


On 10/10/2021 at 1:20 PM, freddy j said:

Outstanding!  That is the best voyage that I have been on for quite some time.  I don't know that I have ever heard a funky style of space themed music but boy does it work in this creative work!  Video and music were excellent!  Well done!!

Hey Freddy! Almost as much fun as one of your Florida blues songs!!! I appreciate the comments, thanks!

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Wow! This was so well done and so musical. I'm seeing comments about adding click to the kick. I'm listening with Sony headphones MDR 7506, which are flat. I like the soulful sound of the kick around the tree minute mark. Maybe during the more rock sounding part with the "guitar" solo, you could tweak the kick by adding click and making it louder in the mix to give it a more rock sound.

I really enjoyed your composition and listened to several times. That part with the spaceman running has a very Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon vibe. Outstanding! 

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