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3 new Songs


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I've got some new songs out. These 3 songs are part of a collection of three songs - called "3 Piece Suite".

It consists of:

1 "Tubes"

2 "Your Mileage May Vary"

3 "Perchance to Dream"

They're meant to be played together (with no pause in between) but I know most people like to stream/play individual songs these days. I have uploaded the entire "Three Piece Suite" if you want to hear the whole thing together and have a spare 16 minutes ?

"Three Piece Suite"

I got some of the ideas for these in the middle of the night, so they kind of slip between dreaming and being awake.
They're not for everybody's taste - but maybe somebody will like them ?

Feel free to let me know what you think.

They feature the usual characters:
Superior 3 drums
lots of Kontakt stuff
plus my real guitars through S-Gear or Mercuriall amp sims and Torpedo WOS speaker sims.

Edited by jbraner
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 "Tubes" is very nice, cool instrumentation, pretty decent drum (programming?) guitar tones fit really well. Mix of it all is nice and clean. I believe this is absolutely screaming out for lyrics and vocals! My only crit might be bass guitar up a little, it has a great tone and could support things a little better by being louder, just a bit. YMMV.

Joe Walsh's instrumental stuff was always a favorite of mine, and this is in that lane. Spectacular!


I will check out pt 2 and 3 when I get more time . . . very cool start!





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#2 YMMV!  I like the swagger and the parts I think all just compliment each other. For me, this is driving music, and I'll pick the drive down from Pacifica, through Half Moon Bay,  south to Santa Cruz. 


In this song, I would put a lot more of the low bass guitar frequencies back in. It sounds like you cut everything below 400hz clean away. ?


I'm hearing some cool digital track distortions as the ending fade out - hope they were planned, 'cause I dig it!


This is a toe tapping head bobber. Kudos!



Edited by emeraldsoul
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#3 Perchance to Dream

I like the overall sense of optimism this music conveys, particularly the third piece here. Just super cool tunesmithery!

Really missing the lower bass frequencies on this one, in fact even guitar and piano and kick seem light. If I stand back, it gives the impression of a 70's AM radio experience, on a car stereo. It's a really good mix otherwise.

Totally dig the avant garde experimentation breakdown. That was just excellent.







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Hi Tom,

First - Thanks a lot for listening to my stuff - and for your comments.

I'll try to reply to some of your comments.

First of all - I've anguished over the low end on these. In the end, I tried to get them "right" on my system - but it wasn't easy (they sound a little different every day) and I really don't know how they translate to different types of playback setups. Also - making them in to MP3 doesn't help.



I'm hearing some cool digital track distortions as the ending fade out - hope they were planned, 'cause I dig it!

Yeah - that's definitely supposed to be there. Just a little "Time Shaper" plugin to screw around with the pitch, tape stop kind of thing ;)

Thanks again for taking the time to listen/comment ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very nicely done -- those guitar and bass tones are super duper.  My favorite was the third piece -- it flows beautifully and the arrangement/mix are top notch.   Man, that piece is screaming for some vocals on it -- it would be great.  



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John, it's good to hear from you.  These are 3 tasty tunes that scream for a vocal to complete their stories.  As always, your guitar playing is excellent and your mixing is smooth.  I like the trilogy idea, and if you have to go back to sleep to expand on it, go for it!

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Hi Lynn and Allan - and thanks  a lot for listening.

Sorry for the late reply, but I've been away in a place where you don't get much signal - so nicely out of touch with the rest of the world! ;)

Thanks for the kind words - maybe some day I'll meet a singer/collaborator to work with - but I think these songs are much more "can be whatever you want them to be" without lyrics ;) especially the awake/asleep related stuff...

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