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Waves Shell v11 and v12


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A while back I bought Waves Hydrid series of effects, which came with H-Comp.  This was installed at V11.  I later came across a promotion that allowed me to acquire H-Comp V12.  I'm unable to specifically uninstall the V11 version of the plugin as it is part of the Hybrid bundle.  When I view the plugin properties in the Plugin Manager it shows that it's accessed from Wave Shell V12.  The odd thing is when I insert the plugin on a track it accesses Waves Shell V11.  Very strange.

One thing to note, in Reaper it lists both versions of the plugin (V11 & V12) and I'm able to select the one I want to insert.  In Cakewalk it only lists one version of the plugin, and indicates that it's V12, but when I insert it, it's V11.

Anyone have any ideas?

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  On 9/30/2021 at 9:17 PM, LittleStudios said:

A while back I bought Waves Hydrid series of effects, which came with H-Comp.  This was installed at V11.  I later came across a promotion that allowed me to acquire H-Comp V12.  I'm unable to specifically uninstall the V11 version of the plugin as it is part of the Hybrid bundle.  When I view the plugin properties in the Plugin Manager it shows that it's accessed from Wave Shell V12.  The odd thing is when I insert the plugin on a track it accesses Waves Shell V11.  Very strange.

One thing to note, in Reaper it lists both versions of the plugin (V11 & V12) and I'm able to select the one I want to insert.  In Cakewalk it only lists one version of the plugin, and indicates that it's V12, but when I insert it, it's V11.

Anyone have any ideas?


Yes, you may not like it that much though. You have to go to settings / maintenance / uninstall. There you will be able to uninstall a complete version of plugins, but not specific ones. Uninstall all v11 plugins. If you have v11 plugins you want to keep, you must go to install products, select the ones you wanted to keep and re-install them.

Edited by Jacques Boileau
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Yeah I did that.  The problem is the V11 came with the H-Series bundle and Cakewalk for what ever reason is selecting the V11 plugin.  Even though the path of the plugin in the plugin manager shows that it should be specifically grabbing the V12 plugin.  Reaper doesn't have this issue, it will let you select either one, V11 or V12.  Is there some setting that will allow both versions to be listed in the plugin manager?

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  On 10/1/2021 at 4:38 AM, LittleStudios said:

Yeah I did that.  The problem is the V11 came with the H-Series bundle and Cakewalk for what ever reason is selecting the V11 plugin.  Even though the path of the plugin in the plugin manager shows that it should be specifically grabbing the V12 plugin.  Reaper doesn't have this issue, it will let you select either one, V11 or V12.  Is there some setting that will allow both versions to be listed in the plugin manager?


Oh, my steps are to remove v11 and not reinstall it. If your intention is to keep both, that's different. Although I don't know why you would want to do this.

Did you try to exclude the v11 version using Cakewalk's plugin manager? I don't know if you'll see both, but worth a look.

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Fixed it... I think.  I went into the Registry and navigated to: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Cakewalk VST X64\Inventory and removed the following registry folders: WaveShell1-VST3 11.0_x64.vst3*10 H-Comp Mono and WaveShell1-VST3 11.0_x64.vst3*11 H-Comp Stereo and presto,  it worked.

I of course exported a backup of the registry folders that were removed.  Safety first.

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Waves got back to me and gave me these instructions:



I would suggest uninstalling the V11 H-Comp, by following the steps below:

Quit all audio apps.

Navigate to the relevant plugin version folder:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Waves\Plug-Ins V11

Delete the H-Comp.bundle file

Clear Waves preferences:

Click the Windows key + ‘R’ and enter %appdata%, click Enter.

Delete the Waves Audio folder inside the 'Roaming' folder that appears.



I followed these instructions and restored the deleted registry folders.  Cakewalk re-scanned VST's and properly removed the V11 H-Comp plugins.  IT WORKED!  This seems to be a more sound way of removing the unwanted versions.  The registry edit way of removing the plugins worked as well.  The one issue with the registry method, other than making a mistake, is if you do a full scan of your VST's it will repopulate the registry with the removed registry folders.  Hence restoring the plugins you want removed.

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