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September Nights


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5 hours ago, PhonoBrainer said:

A pleasure to groove to! Very pleasant mix, I'd agree enough bass is present . . . maybe the drum fills drop a bit of timing in a few spots - did you solo just bass guit and drums together, to check the timing? Great guitar dips and tone, as usual!



Thanks for the feedback and checking tip… A software drums... I quess it's my bass playing that's out of timing.... ?

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This is a really nice number that you have come up with.  It certainly brought back memories of the early 1960's soft sound surf music.  For some reason (I guess the use of the whammy bar) reminded me of the softer side of the Eliminators.  Very nice work indeed!


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17 hours ago, freddy j said:

This is a really nice number that you have come up with.  It certainly brought back memories of the early 1960's soft sound surf music.  For some reason (I guess the use of the whammy bar) reminded me of the softer side of the Eliminators.  Very nice work indeed!


Thanks a lot for the nice feedback

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5 hours ago, CSW said:

Haunting guitar sound.  This composition keeps you interested and leads you.

Nice work.

How did you process the main guitar here?


Thanks for the feedback Craig.

The lead guitar was recorded with Fender stratocaster CIJ + Boss RE-20 Space echo + MXR Dyna comp + yamaha thr10C  amp usb connected to PC.

Greetings …  Makke

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