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Libraries you have removed from Komplete.


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I have the previous version of Komplete and I've purchased enough 3rd party libraries I have to consider what I really don't need to free up space. The nice thing is if you remove some libraries you can download them again.

Always wondering what other users have removed.

I removed

Most of the Abbey Road Drums - got enough drum sets with XLN, Toontrack
Symphony Essentials - except woodwind, percussion.

??? to remove

Not sure Session Strings Pro 2 is needed. Bot enough strings
All Scarbee libraries except guitar

Of course when you go through these you think "oh maybe I should keep it installed".

As for pianos I have enough Sampletekk, not sure most of the NI ones are worth keeping that existed in previous versions of Komplete.

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Very similar approach for me as well, but along with Scarbee instruments and Abbey Road Drums, I did axe the pianos.  I keep everything orchestral.  I also took off most of the FX just to try to lighten the VST count, but that keeps creeping higher anyway due to this forum! Additionally, I have my most used libraries on an M2 drive and "the rest" on an SSD (until recently it was a spinning HD).

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I ditched all the Abbey Road, Scarbee and Session Strings stuff, plus DrumLab, and just about anything related to pop, rock or similar (except Session Guitarists acoustic libraries).

Kept the pianos, ditched the Symphony Essentials for the full versions, only have a few of the synth relates libraries installed. I find that the more 3rd party libraries I acquire, the less Komplete stuff I tend to use or keep installed. 

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If they would pull all the Abbey and Studio Drummer gear into one drum suite, I’d keep it around.  It’s all recorded at Teldan, I believe, so mixing kit pieces, stacking, etc. could be super useful, and they do sound really good.  But no, I’ve kept Studio  Dummer around but that’s it for drums.

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I'm not removing anything from my Komplete 13 Ultimate.  I will never know when I may want a different instrument than the usual sounds and Komplete has different. There are different sounds of bases, guitars, horns, keys organs, West Africa,  India,  Middle Eastern sounds, expansion orchestral,  and the like.  I can be inspired at anytime and instead of trying to purchase the sound, it's already in my arsenal.   Nope, I'm not removing a thing.

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15 hours ago, jesse g said:

I'm not removing anything from my Komplete 13 Ultimate.  I will never know when I may want a different instrument than the usual sounds and Komplete has different. There are different sounds of bases, guitars, horns, keys organs, West Africa,  India,  Middle Eastern sounds, expansion orchestral,  and the like.  I can be inspired at anytime and instead of trying to purchase the sound, it's already in my arsenal.   Nope, I'm not removing a thing.

Nice option is if you delete them you can download them again or archive them on a portable drive.

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45 minutes ago, Paul Young said:

Nice option is if you delete them you can download them again or archive them on a portable drive.

Yes, I know they can be re-installed, but why removed them anyway, just because you are not using them.  They are part of the Komplete package so I figure, just leave them there.   I purchased a 2 TB drive for Komplete, so when I bought K13U, I would have enough space to store everything on it, plus extra 3rd party Komplete libraries. I want to see all of it in Komplete, even unlicensed libraries.

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If something is just not your style and you 're sure,  delete it,  It took a while for me, I know what I might use and what I will most likely never use.  My method was when I didn't feel like making music and looking for inspiration I would go through each synth and favorite all sounds that were inspiring or usable for my style,  and when I couldn't come up with much of anything on a particular synth, It was in deletion status.  on the other hand when so many favorites were just back to back to the point where It was pointless to favorite any because I liked so many,  needless to say It's on the go to list.

This was not do to hard disk space this was simply weeding out uninspiring (junk) that was in my way.  however abbey road drums are staying even with my other more massive drums.  (I can't pick through drums to delete as that is something so easy to change up when I might feel different, on the other hand old school 8 bit drums (not bfd) but old video game drums and those sounds I won't be using)  I don't know If you have a Komplete Kontrol Keyboard with light guide and browsing capabilities but this is why I keep certain instruments and delete others,  I need this to have the best workflow and junk in the way is a killer for me. 

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2 hours ago, abacab said:

Delete the junk, and keep your inspirational sound pallete right in from of you. At least that is the goal that I'm slowly attempting to achieve. Too many synths and sound libraries get in the way of productivity!

Much fewer words to describe my sentiments.

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