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XLN Audio XO


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Hey Friends i created this thread because i didn't saw it already created ...


I want to be sure that you guyz consider this or even Atlas because i do think the introduction of AI in our world is a superb concept...

Basically the AI will not only cathegorise your samples but also map them in a map where the distance between sound represents how close in timbre they are ...this will speed up your workflow , inspire you and makes your zillion samples management a joy ...


I amde Two videos , one for the concept and one for how to set it up in Maschine

Maschine guyz , be sure to watch the second one until the end cause what i did for XO is what you will do with any multimbrale in maschine (from kontakt stuff to omnipsher , falcon ect ...)


On sale right now , EDU price availlable even on intro price ;)





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Hi , this is my take on Xln audio XO , a superb concept and greatly implemented . In this video i cover :


1) Concept

2) How to import and scan samples .

3) Kit creations

4) Pattern creation

5) Beat Combiner and sample combiner randomness

6) Routing in daw (multi out) and Midi export (@ 21 min)

7) Factory content kit tour (at 29 min) ? Conlcusions .

Thks For watching and don't forget to like and sub if you feel like so .

Hope you enjoyed .

Featuring Wave Alchemy samples ...



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Here's a video about How to set up XO withing Maschine !!

Be absolutly sure to watch until the end , specially for group setting loading in maschine or you wiull be frustrated as hell !!

Also notice that what i did here is what you would do with any multitimbrale instruments in maschine (from battery to Sonicouture Electro acoustics to Aave Alchemy Revolution ... any kontakt stuff ect ..

Thks For watching and for requesting this video Hope you guyz enjoy this one ;)



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7 minutes ago, Uneven said:

By the way, there's no intro sale, just regular price, which is pretty expensive.

Intro price is 179 at xln and way less at jrrshop or audio deluxe .... ;) be sure to double check



xo prices.JPG

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You're welcome guyz and Have fun  , it's really something , i will do also one for Atlas , waiting on the update to do a fair comparison .... so far i really enjoy this and really the sounds that comes with are a big plus to justify the purchase .....

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5 hours ago, Uneven said:

By the way, there's no intro sale, just regular price, which is pretty expensive.

Have to agree with Uneven.
In this case intro price is regular price.
If there was any kind of discount going XLN would be announcing it with fanfare; at this point there has not been a mention of any.

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I really like this but it is way too expensive. Needs to be discounted by at least 50 per cent to sell in any kind of volume. Even then I'd hesitate. And I've got GBs of drum samples.

XLN should have offered this to existing customers with a substantial introductory discount to establish a user base and give XLN's customers something to buy after too long a wait for new products and updates.

But what would I know?

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In fact , prices is relativ to the frequency of usage you gonna have with this , i just finsihsed a whle album using 70 % of the time Sonicouture ELectro acoustics , so yep prices isn't cheap but if it serves the goal in a solid manner , i  invest ;)


for a regular production type of work , i would say yep , it's expensive (if you do regular rock , country , ballad,  even pop ect ....) if yo don any genre that you have room to "exotic moves" , it's a pure joy ;)

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