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WUP Sale 25% off

Brian Lawler

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  On 9/14/2021 at 11:32 PM, Grem said:

From Waves website:

1 year of Waves Update Plan coverage is capped at $240 for all non-identical products.

Your Waves Update Plan exceeds the $240 cap due to either selecting multiple identical licenses, or the coverage you’re about to purchase is for more than 1 year for some of the selected licenses.


 I have duplicate licenses.  Some of them are bundles.  Their stuff is great but I'm not going to feed them anymore until they change their licensing.  

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The only thing Waves that I really care about is the Abbey Road Collection, and a few of their synths, Codex, Elements, and Flow Motion. I don't see any WUP in their near future, as the v12 seems pretty complete to me as is. But if Waves offers some compelling feature updates, maybe someday, but until then I will pass on WUP...

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  On 9/15/2021 at 12:28 AM, Paul Young said:

 I have duplicate licenses.  Some of them are bundles.  Their stuff is great but I'm not going to feed them anymore until they change their licensing.  


Same here. Lots of duplicates that take me beyond WUP domination. And an Abbey Road Collection serial I’ll only register when Waves goes M1 native. 

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  On 9/15/2021 at 2:31 AM, abacab said:

As far as effects go, I have some great alternatives to Waves, except for the Abbey Road Collection. There is some seriously cool stuff in there that is not really duplicated elsewhere, IMO. Oh yeah, and Scheps Omni Channel. :)


Switched to PA’s Lindell 80 (and the SSL native bungle). Bye bye WUPpeedoodah. 

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  On 9/15/2021 at 3:10 AM, Fleer said:

But they’re all out if WUP. And I sure ain’t woopin. 


I am with ya on this one.I decided to do it once and get up to date and that should carry me for a good while.

The give a free Mix Rack that's really nice too. It has an option to split any signal into different frequencies and route how you want to the plugins in the rack. It really is nice. You don't hear much about it at all.

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  On 9/15/2021 at 3:07 AM, Grem said:

Agree 100%

Under the radar plugins

Waves Tune

Waves Tune Real Time

Greg Wells  stuff

C1 comp


All the Renn stuff

All the H stuff


My Waves guilty pleasure plugins:


Manny Marroquin series (especially the EQ)


Scheps Omni and 73

API 2500

Renn Vox

I just picked up Renn Bass with Groove3 so it will at least get used once.

I keep thinking I need to try the Studio Rack...

Ain't n WUPing in site tho...  :)

Edited by mibby
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Ah, the ongoing WUP arguments Estd. 1994.

It's all in how you rationalize the math. I haven't purchased a WUP in 3 years, I can upgrade Mercury for $160.00..Say I only use half of the 180 plugins in the bundle, so 60 plugins costs roughly $2.70 each to upgrade. I haven't purchased a WUP in 3 years so I could look at that as .89c each. (Plus whatever new plugins were added to the bundle in 3 years)

I'll probably wait another year or two since I only use a few Waves plugins these days & they don't need to be upgraded to function in my older or current projects.

By then WUP might be a thing of the past (although whatever they do to replace it might be worse,  not worried either way tbh..)

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The key is to wait and go for big bundles , my mercury is V9 , V12 introduced a lot of great features and new plugins .. but it's windows 10 onlys os i 'll still wait but unless you have interesset in updateing (plugin resize is one of them for me) , no need to do so ...(for windows guyz)

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I also wish Waves would do away with their plugin "shell" method. It is annoying to have to wait for a full scan anytime Waves updates or adds a single plugin. And while they are at it, how about granting 2 licenses per plugin, like most other companies, huh?

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  On 9/15/2021 at 12:21 PM, hsm said:

they don't need to be upgraded to function in my older or current projects.


This is why I don't mind WUP. I can take it or leave it and my projects still work.


  On 9/15/2021 at 12:21 PM, hsm said:

WUP might be a thing of the past (although whatever they do to replace it might be worse


100% agree with this.


  On 9/15/2021 at 12:22 PM, Fleer said:

But then you’re on Windows for life


There, fixed that for ya!! :) 

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