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Easycontrol.9 help


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I recently bought an Easycontrol.9 labeled from Worlde, but I have seen the same controller from Amoon, Pyle and several other companies. I am using the Cakewalk ACT Midi Controller editor to assign function to each of the controls. I am having a few issues and it seems like the help document is extremely outdated as some of the topics discussed do not pertain to the actual features on the editor. So far I have been able to get Bank 1 channels 1-8 Pan, Faders and Playhead buttons, knobs and faders working. But that was from watching a really old youtube video about the topic. Some of the features in the software seem to have changed. And though I have gotten some success, there are three specific problems I am still having.

First, the Solo Buttons: What I would like to do is set each button to solo each specific track, button 1 to solo track 1, button 2 to solo track 2, etc. However, the only option it seems to give is for each and every button to solo only whatever track is selected. Is there an option by some other name that I 'm missing? I tried the dim solo option but that doesn't seem to do what I want either. Maybe it just won't work that way?

Second, the banks: I have been able to assign all of the functions that I created in bank 1 to banks 2, 3 and 4. However, I can't seem to figure out how to change the channels from 1-8 to 9-16, 17-24, and 25-32. So every time I switch to a new bank, tracks 1-8 adjust the faders just fine, the pans work just fine, the solo knobs still don't work, but the playback functions all seem to work. But they only work for 1-8 on all banks.

Third, channel 9 or master channel: So the last problem that I am having is that I can't figure out how to program my 9th channel. I assume it is designed to be used as a master bus fader/panner/solo strip, however, when I click on bus routing, and I adjust channel 9 in the midi learn mode, it just assigns the volume to control channel 1 and over writes channel 1 so it doesn't work anymore. Is there a way to add a 9th module strip to the editor? Or is there another work around.

If anyone has successfully mapped one of these EasyControl 9 type of devices would they be so kind as to give us a link to the ACT file? Or if you can help me figure it out maybe I can upload my map file if I can figure out how to do that! 

Thanks for any help you can provide.


Edited by Willy
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