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Instrument Definitions


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Do we have an updated 'Instrument Definition' repository?

I have the standard two .zip files of ones installed with Cakewalk and User Collection but there's an awful lot missing, does anyone have a link for user made ones?

I've made a few myself that are missing from the standard .zip files, would be nice to get everything in one place.

Thanks, spiffo.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 5/9/2019 at 10:13 PM, KKeys88 said:

Anybody having any luck installing the "instrument definitions", .ins files, into the Bandlab Cakewalk.  I went thru the process and they show up with all the connections, but when I browse the patches, it just shows GM instruments.


Instrument_Definitions_Installed_with_SONAR.zipFetching info...

Instrument_Definitions_User_Collection.zipFetching info...


Once you've imported the .ins files to your master.ins, you need to associate them with a MIDI port/channel (or a range of ports/channels), then assign the port &  channel for your MIDI track.

Only then will the instruments show up:



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Thank you.  I had already done the associations which is what I meant by making all the connections, but I was looking in the wrong place for the patches.  Silly me, I thought I could click on the "browse patches" button and find them.  Thanks again.

Been to Scotland twice.  Played with some of the Proclaimers on a little tour of the Island

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  • 3 weeks later...

I hope they move those files some place new users can access. The links take you to the old forums but a Cakewalk account is required to access.  If you didn't already have one, you're out of luck since they have disabled creating new accounts.

Alternately, since the old forums are read-only anyways, they could just post a courtesy account people could use to access the old forums if they don't have an account. 

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  • 5 years later...

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