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Bass Recording Suggestions

John David Ross

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You definitely want to compensate on the low frequencies so that it compliments the kick. I also like to add just a touch of overdrive to give the bass some grit so it stands out a little more in the mix. I record through a POD HD Pro into an Audient interface to get my sound, but any saturation/distortion plug in can get you the extra bite. Just be very light with it so it's not too distorted.

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3 hours ago, Leadfoot said:

You definitely want to compensate on the low frequencies so that it compliments the kick. I also like to add just a touch of overdrive to give the bass some grit so it stands out a little more in the mix. I record through a POD HD Pro into an Audient interface to get my sound, but any saturation/distortion plug in can get you the extra bite. Just be very light with it so it's not too distorted.


Another thing you can do is apply the distortion/dirt only to the mids/highs of the bass signal.

  • Mult or duplicated the bass track
  • Run a high-pass filter on the mult/copy
  • Apply the distortion after the high-pass filter

This gives you a tone in the realm of Chris Squire and Geddy Lee.

You get that nice sounding distortion... without the bottom-end losing definition

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