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Freelance Soundlabs NKS Packs (Not a Deal)

Vernon Barnes

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I noticed this post and decided to investigate.  After trying the free pack I decided to get the full packs for the four Korg instruments I own. They all work well giving the full NKS browsing capability including audio clips . This enhanced browsing very useful for the Wave Station and M1.

Control mapping is limited on the Wavestation and M1 im Combi mode due to the nature of those instruments but good on the MonoPoly and Polysix.

The only glitch is the library image for the M1 is not showing, just a generic icon. Its just ascetic so no big deal and probably due to finger problems on my behalf. Installation is slightly fiddly copying several folders for each instrument.

There are packs for quite a few other manufactures. https://freelancesoundlabs.com/index.php/downloads/komplete-kontrol-vst-packs

I may consider the one for UVI Synth Anthology 3 later as I think it may benefit from the NKI browser and the control mapping.

Prices are in Australian dollars so not as expensive as they first appear.


Edited by Vernon Barnes
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5 minutes ago, Vernon Barnes said:


The only glitch is the library image for the M1 is not showing, just a generic icon. Its just ascetic so no big deal and probably due to finger problems on my behalf. Installation is slightly fiddly copying several folders for each instrument.

For me the M1 is showing correctly so probably a copy/paste issue related to the img folder as you suspect.  Should be easy fix.  Just double check where you copied it too. It can be tricky the first time to copy and paste the libraries since NI doesn’t provide an easy way to install them but once you do it a couple of times and create links to the respective folders (database, img, and presets) it becomes easier.

One thing you’ll notice once you own enough of these is that Jason tries to keep the control locations as similar as possible.  For example the filter cutoff tends to use same knob. So makes it intuitive.  For instruments with tiny GUI’s this is super helpful.  Sometimes I’m surprised he finds useful controls that are actually buried in a subpage on a synth that I didn’t even know was there so he is pretty thorough.  

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I have a ton of his NKS templates.  They can take some instruments like XPand!2 and take them to a whole new level.

He often gives free or inexpensive updates, which is crazy because this work is extremely labor and time intensive and he is just one guy.

The other thing is that Jason has the best customer service you will ever find.  I was having problems with an install on a Sunday.  He emailed me back immediately and then did one of those things where he took over my computer, until he fixed the problem.  You can't find anybody better than Jason at taking care of his customers.

One tip with UVI: make sure you install the correct template for either Workstation or Falcon.  They are different and one won't work with the other. 

Edited by Reid Rosefelt
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