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Audio to midi does not work



Hi all,

i'm a relatively new user to CbB and i have a problem with audio to midi conversion..

on my PC with CbB Version 2021.06 (Build 58) the function audio to midi don't work correctly. When i drop a audio file to a midi track then the pop up appears if i want to continue. I apply that and then CbB does something but at the end i dont see any midi events.

On my laptop with Version 2021.06 (Build 56) it works fine even the midi is not pitched (not a problem for me). The rythm is all i want to get out of e.g. a percussion loop.

Did anyone know if there were changes in the last update?


On the PC i installed melodyne from the Bandlab assistent but this doesn't help.


with kind regards

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As a test, I dragged an audio clip to an existing MIDI track.  The Melodyne menu appeared.  I chose the “Melodic” algorithm.

The converted MIDI events appeared in the MIDI track (and played the same notes that the audio contained)

I also tried the “Percussive” algorithm. That also created the MIDI events (albeit on the same note).

So , on my system (configured as per my signature) that worked as expected.

I have Melodyne assistant and the source audio clip I used was a monophonic.

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My conclusion with this issue is if you do not purchase Melodyne you will be using a dummied down version of Melodyne 4. Not 5. 
There were a lot of updates and improvements made to 5 , and for me everything started working smoothly. 
That said I never had an issue converting audio bass tracks to midi. Even years  ago with Sonar Home Studio. This feature has always worked well for me and I have converted 100’s of bass tracks to midi    I have also used it successfully for signal note guitar solos I turn in to keyboard parts  

For drums I use drum replacer. I drag the created track to a midi track and undo the regional effect. I use the midi data to trigger a drum VST. The built in drum replacer drum sounds are pretty bad. 

Edited by John Vere
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15 minutes ago, pwalpwal said:

surely v4 should still work if it's the version distributed with cakewalk?

The version distributed with Sonar Platinum and Professional was Melodyne Essentials 2.  This was eventually freely upgradeable to Melodyne Essentials

However, the version that is provided with Cakewalk by Bandlab is the 30 day trial of Melodyne Editor.  I am not sure what functionality you are left with within Melodyne once this trial is over. I have Melodyne Assistant so I can’t really check.  What ever version comes with Cakewalk by Bandlab, can be upgraded to the latest version (Albeit, still the trial)

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As I said I’ve never had an issue with converting audio bass or single note guitar to midi. I’ve done this for years since it was first started.
This feature is still available after the 30 days expires. It should work for everyone  regardless of what version of Melodyne is installed. 

 I never used the vocal pitch correction feature prior to version 5. I would use vvocal because I understood it better. But with the offer to upgrade to 5 I watched the tutorials and I think they reached a turning point with this software and I find it easy to use now. I would definitely recommend it if your working with vocal tracks. It has more than just pitch correction. There’s a bunch of tools. And I also use it to fix guitar bloopers 

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Not sure if the OP will come back but out of curiosity I opened Cakewalk on my Laptop which has ONLY the latest version of Cakewalk ( 058)  installed. I don't have any version of Melodyne other than what everyone else would have on this machine.  There are no other versions of Sonar or any other DAWs here. There is a difference between this and my main system. 

I opened a basic blank template and droped a bass track to the audio track. I then dragged this to the Midi track. 

I get this dialog box. With my Studio computer and Melodyne 5 I get the option to choose an Algorithm. Not here. 


The conversion happens quickly and I get a perfectly fine midi bass track


If I highlight a small audio clip and create a regional effect I get Melodyne4 splash screen asking me to register and the "Player" will open. I cannot change the algorithm as it is greyed out. So with the unregistered version of Melodyne4 you are out of luck with trying different algorithm settings. It must be automatic. 

Here is the dialog I get with Melodyne 5 assistant on my Studio computer 


But the main thing is the audio to midi worked fine for me on the latest version of Cakewalk on the Laptop and without purchasing Melodyne. 

It just might not work as well on certain types of audio clips without the algorithm selections. So an upgrade will get you that advantage as well as a lot of other features you might find a use for. I only paid $100Can. for the Assistant version.  It goes on sale all the time. Sign up for Emails. 



Edited by John Vere
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9 minutes ago, John Vere said:

But the main thing is the audio to midi worked fine for me on the latest version of Cakewalk on the Laptop and without purchasing Melodyne. 

Very interesting ! ☺️ 

A Cubase owning buddy of mine asked me to convert a drum loop for him as it's not worth him buying Melodyne for the occasional use - it only took a couple of minutes and he was happy. But if he could download Cakewalk for free I'm sure he would.

Any idea which algorithm it was using ? I would guess at the Universal one ?

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It’s talked about a lot here about how important choosing the correct algorithm is to get good results. 
The OP mentioned a percussion loop. That might be a challenge if it contains multiple instruments 

@Arno  if you post that loop here then I could see what happens with trying different settings 

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Hello everyone,
sorry for my late, late, laaaate answer :-). So, first, thanks to all who wants to help me out. For some reasons i didn't recognize that there were a few answers. A few things changes (new PC, several CbB Updates since my initial post. So I will check if the problem still occurs and will then post the loop. As you can see i do not try to use the audio to midi function as often...
with kind regards


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And to update the information posted here, there is now a very important change.

Cakewalk now comes with Melodyne 5 as the demo for 30 days. Now when the demo expires the Audio to Midi and the Audio to Tempo Map features will no longer work. You will need to purchase a Melodyne 5 Licence. Melodyne starts at around $100. It goes on sale every year in November Black Friday deals. 

I have not tested this but I do beleieve if you have started with Cakewalk before this update then you will still have Melodyne 4 Demo installed and that will remain. So the Audio to Midi will still work for those whop have Melodyne 4. 


I you want to know what version you have go to the start menu and look for Celemony - Melodyne and open the GUI and then under Help to open this screen. I'm not sure why mine is saying it expires in 153 days? I bought it. I will email them and ask. 


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Hi John,

thanks for your fast reply. I just tried it out again and as you mentioned it doesn't work. The only way to get the midi information without addtional vst's is the Drumreplacer. But it is kind of fiddling around with threshold's etc...

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