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Born Again - remixed

Lynn Wilson

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22 hours ago, eric chevrier said:

Hi Lynn well done rock tune sounded great!! on my system love the vocal, guitar work and the arrangement and mix very well done thanks fmm

Thank you very much, Eric!  It's gone through several remixes to get where it is now, but has been worth it.  All of the comments I've received have taken sprout.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Lynn!  I almost missed this song and that would have been a shame.  I love it .  Great lyrics (and advice) and your vocals are excellent.   Stellar job on the arrangement and instrumentation.  So -------- "the fat lady has sung", "stick a fork in it, it is done" --- it sounds very well done to me.  It sure deserves airplay.

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It's been a bit since I heard this one and you've made some really good progress here.  I really like the guitar at the beginning.  It has a nice hooky riff.  That with the kick drum pumping it along is really nice.  

I'm being selfish, but my ears want to hear a less wet vocal.  I'm not saying go back and re-track it or anything like that, but the next song you do, maybe try a more up front vocal?  It's just like my ears want to hear that with that guitar part.

Great progress, Lynn.  Keep it up!

(btw, I still think this has Paul Thorn vibes.  not sure if you checked him out)

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You may be the only one that mentioned the f/x on the lead vox.  That is an experiment with Wave's Vocal Bender.  I'm using a doubling effect, though, very subtly.  In the long run, I can take it or leave it, I haven't ultimately decided, yet.  Good ears and good catch.  I'll focus on that when I get back to this.  Thanks for you comments!

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14 hours ago, CSW said:


Really cool.  I really like  the way you mixed your voice. How did you process your lead vocal?

  It's perfectly grainy and doubled for this song. 


Craig, thanks for your kind words!  You have good ears regarding the vocal.  I'm using Waves VocalBender on the lead vox, and it is a doubling f/x.  On the choruses, I've added an Eventide Harmonizer to the lead one third higher and sang a harmony up a fifth, so 2 voices=3.  Normally, I would sing all 3 parts, but this was an experiment.


9 hours ago, Paul Bush said:

After a long summer break , I´m back on the plot , so many great songs and this is one of them , the vocals really pop out but are not intrusive if that makes any sense cheers

Hi Paul, glad to have you back!  If you hear the vocals that way, I may have succeeded in the mix (lol), but sometimes it's good to be lucky.

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as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know <Donald Rumsfeld>  The drums were a little buried, at least on my cheap speakers.    Loved this, Lynn.  Your songs usually make a statement about something important, which I dig.

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4 hours ago, Lynn Wilson said:

Ultra cool comment!

I'm gonna download the waves vocal bender and mess with it. It really gives your vocals a hoss presence kinda like the ZZ Top stuff from the 80's which some people thought was over produced but I really loved it.

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15 hours ago, jwnicholson78 said:

Really love that opening guitar, and the lyrics are great.

There's a lot of different parts going at once.  Occasionally, it felt like maybe you would benefit by paring things back a little.

Great song overall. Well done. 

Thank you for your ears and time!  I'm glad you like the song, and I'll give your suggestion some consideration on my next pass.  This is what I'm looking for!

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1 hour ago, Lynn Wilson said:

Thank you for your ears and time!  I'm glad you like the song, and I'll give your suggestion some consideration on my next pass.  This is what I'm looking for!

I don't know how much my suggestions are worth, but I'm happy to give them if it helps ?

I took another couple listens, and here's some additional thoughts, for whatever they are worth.  All the instruments seems to be basically in the same register.  The long electric notes, the electric piano, even the snare and percussion seem to be mostly sitting at the same pitch, so even though they are panned, they're fighting for attention.  

Also, as a piano player, the trills in the electric piano that hit at about 1:20 and again later sound overly programmed to me.  If so, a little bit of timing variation, accenting the 4th note, and quieting the notes in between will help immensely.  You might want to interrupt them with some nicely chosen chord stabs, rather than carrying them on for so long.


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