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Innervelt is Free (Name-Your-Price) All Month


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Innervelt is a free plugin to complement the album Noontide by Micah Frank — out now on Puremagnetik Tapes

It is a "Dark Haze Machine" that captures incoming audio and processes it through an unconventional order of effects. A Chebyshev waveshaper distorts the signal as it passes through an algorithmic space. The space effect itself is modulated by a variable sample and hold circuit, causing subtle to dramatic swells and pulses in the dry to wet ratio.




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  On 8/14/2021 at 3:19 AM, Marc Cormier said:

How does one find the plugin via the link?  I see album and artist info.  Is an account/log needed?


Slightly convoluted, but you get the Innervelt plugin by "buying" the Noontide album on Bandcamp:

  1. Follow the link to Bandcamp. https://micahfrank.bandcamp.com/album/noontide
  2. "Buy" the album for $0, and enter your email address to get a download link.
  3. With the album download you'll get instructions to download the plugin from Dropbox.

I don't think any account login is necessary. (Although you can have it added to your Bandcamp collection if you do log in, but then you're expected to pay at least $1).

Edited by martians
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