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Here is the second song on my upcoming album, The Instrumentalist.  It's called Bounce.

My feeling is that the universe will eventually stop expanding and collapse upon itself, only to bounce back again in another Big Bang.  Luckily, none of us will be around to see it happen.  I also think this has happened before, but who really knows for sure?  It's good to be alive.





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 Steve , Very cool and nicely mixed. There were some Really interesting changes here. Were there a few bpm changes or an audio illusion of getting faster in places?  Loved the video and ending of the song. I Always like your vocal cover songs , but now you're taking it to a new level.   It sounds finished to me.     Great job ..   mark

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3 hours ago, Wookiee said:

Interesting hypothesis, though why are the galaxies still accelerating?

Interesting piece be interested to know what you used to create? 

Thanks Wookie - from my understanding it is not the galaxies themselves, but the space that is expanding.  My belief is that it is due to the theory put forward in the Big Bang.  Space is still expanding because of that.  Some people state that it will keep expanding until all matter decays and turns into light energy.  Then the expansion will slow down, possibly start contracting until we get back to the beginning again...and start all over!  That's what I think will happen, but who really knows?

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8 hours ago, David Sprouse said:

I heard that it's very likely that alternate universes exist.   The universe(s) are  the globules in God's big  lava lamp.  Enjoyed your instrumental.  Sounded well mixed and mastered.

Hi David I have heard that as well.  They exist in other dimensions and may be responsible for perturbations in ours.  It's interesting, but beyond my ability to understand.

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23 hours ago, PhonoBrainer said:

Very pleasant, even without the cosmic theme. My favorite part was the mix on instruments you had going beginning at the :35 area. You could throw in some spoken word gems from N.D. Tyson or Carl Sagan?



Hey thanks for the ideas!  My favorite part is where the organ comes in for the first time.  That part reminds me of the old Hollies song Bus Stop, which I probably copied it from ?


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7 hours ago, Douglas Kirby said:

An impressive instrumental - nicely done.  I thought the mix was excellent.

Superstring theory calculates that there are 10 dimensions - that blows my mind. Also, I've read that there could be multiple universes - so what does that mean? Interesting stuff.

Yes!  It's really a strange world in which we live.  Somebody (I can't remember who) was able to derive Maxwell's equations using 5 dimension math.  Incredible.

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Very likeable, and nicely put together Steve . . . great sounds and melody themes, intertwines with the video images very well  . . . and the causality of it all has lead to this mind expanding Cakewalk thread, where many have commented on universal existence. All I can add is that I don't believe we are dust in the wind, perhaps microscopic pebbles on an ever moving beach, where illusions and reality co-exist at the same time, in an infinite array of moments.

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18 hours ago, noynekker said:

Very likeable, and nicely put together Steve . . . great sounds and melody themes, intertwines with the video images very well  . . . and the causality of it all has lead to this mind expanding Cakewalk thread, where many have commented on universal existence. All I can add is that I don't believe we are dust in the wind, perhaps microscopic pebbles on an ever moving beach, where illusions and reality co-exist at the same time, in an infinite array of moments.

Wow!  You paint a great picture there.  They say we are all really stardust (for real) - I like thinking about time being a set of slides - I wish there was a way to go back and forth between the moments but I guess we are stuck on forward - LOL.  They say we are supposed to be able to break time down into very small segments (Plank Level 10E-43)  - I believe that but can't prove it!

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