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On the Wings of Dreams


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It's been a while since I did an orchestral that includes woodwinds, but for some reason it felt like the right thing to do on this one (at least to me) [and hopefully it's more original than my last song].


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Hope you enjoy! (Comments and critique welcome)

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Peaceful. This would work with a whole lot of projects, from a slide show at a wedding, a Disney film with a love story in it, or even a tv commercial for a new blood pressure medication.

Very smooth tune - maybe bringing the bass and drums in just a bit earlier might be worth considering? And you might reverb those strings a little harder? It's just me, but slathered reverb on strings fits a piece like this pretty well sometimes. A bigger hall?


That was a cool listen, my blood pressure is lower now, and for that, I thank you!!!




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Thanks for listening Tom.

The inspiration for it was something vaguely in the direction of your first two suggestions for applicable projects. I've never had the idea it might be associated with blood pressure medication, though I'm glad it gives a wide scope for imagination/interpretation :)

I did think to bring in some bass/percussion a little earlier. The 'problem' is that in the bare sections, the piano is a little more rubato so I thought it might make rhythm sections feel a little 'unstable' sounding. It didn't occur to me to drown the strings more in reverb, but I can see it might be ok for situations like this; thanks for the suggestion.

Glad you liked it, and that it's been medically beneficial too!

Edited by antler
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Thanks Bjorn. Glad you liked it!

The strings are CSS. I tried to make them sound bigger towards the end of the second section by subtly layering additional string ensemble patches from GPO 5, though I'm not sure the layering had much of an effect; any suggestions would be appreciated.

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  • 1 month later...

I love the piano riff in the beginning and the end. Excellent work. On my third listen. I don't hear anything I would change in the mix. It did become more powerful at the end, which helps with that piano riff coming back in for the finish.

Just lovely. Have to agree with Tom, very peaceful. What I like is the feel of the piano. Very softly played. Not banged on. When the drums come in it gets really powerful on headphones. Really fills up the sound. Excellent mix I think.

About the reverb on the strings, maybe on the very end section (3:00) add some more?

But as is, really good work.


Listening to 'The Arrival' on headphones, my that's some low end there!! Reminds me of the sound test in the theaters!!

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Thanks for listening and the kind words SPAK, Eric, and Michael. I’m glad you liked it.

The whole piece sort of derived from the piano riff, and I initially had the clarinet/bassoon in the middle section playing the riff too. It was after a little while that I realised it was an opportunity to build on it melodically to hit a few other notes as well; I think it’s because of that that makes the original riff returning in the end feel more like ‘coming home’. I’m also pleased that Pianoteq was able to bring across the feeling I was trying to convey on my MIDI piano.

Thanks again!

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On 6/15/2019 at 6:07 AM, Grem said:

Listening to 'The Arrival' on headphones, my that's some low end there!! Reminds me of the sound test in the theaters!!

The Arrival was an opportunity to use my library of cinematic whacks/drops, and I had to do them justice ?

Thanks for listening!

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On 4/28/2019 at 11:11 PM, antler said:

Thanks Bjorn. Glad you liked it!

The strings are CSS. I tried to make them sound bigger towards the end of the second section by subtly layering additional string ensemble patches from GPO 5, though I'm not sure the layering had much of an effect; any suggestions would be appreciated.

Some more bass and brass can help make a mix sound bigger, as does harmonizing the melody.

Edited by LadyFuzztail
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On 6/19/2019 at 6:38 PM, Wookiee said:

I like the lose (rubato) feel to the opening section, nice job on the composition.

Thanks. I could have tightened up the timing, but felt that keeping things loose (for the first section) with an instrumentally sparse arrangement felt more intimate and emotionally moving.


On 6/19/2019 at 8:31 PM, garybrun said:

Nice composition:
I can imagine it being played by a full orchestra for sure.


Thanks for the comments and for listening everyone. Glad you liked it.

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