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Panning Law


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13 hours ago, Glenn Stanton said:

hmmm. just checked -> the -3db setting is still there after doing all the steps. are you opening a default project/template - automagically? or just a blank console, no project or template set to auto-open?

I just open a blank CbB, no project, no workspace (none). Then I open preferences (=P) and change the Stereo Panning Law in the Driver Settings, Apply, Close, close CbB, reopen CbB (blank again) and see the setting has reverted to 0dB!

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6 hours ago, bitflipper said:

There is a variable in aud.ini named PanLaw. This is what determines the default pan law in the absence of a project template.


But then I wonder what is the preference setting for? If it is only for project pan setting, then I wonder why it is not part of the Project settings? It really doesn't make any sense IMHO! ?

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