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I wonder if we could try something?

Attached is a pattern and a patch.

The pattern goes in like so: C:\Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Core\Step Sequencer Patterns\KH Amber03b.ssp

The patch goes in like so: C:\Users\xxxxxx\AppData\Roaming\UJAM\VG-AMBER\Presets\KH Amber03.patch

Open a new basic project. Insert VG-AMBER and open the step sequenser from views menu.

In stepseq you load the pattern from the pattern tab.

In Amber you load it from preset - other.

Sooo, do you hear anything? What do you think?

Now you also have the right note numbers for playing Amber. Just load this pattern.

Feel free to develop it further for your own song. It's forkable.


KH Amber03b.ssp KH Amber03.patch

Edited by Kurre
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3 hours ago, Teegarden said:

Nice idea. Don't know when I've got time to test it. Not making much music lately?

It's ok.

I already can see the downside with the stepsequenser. Some times you need really long notes to get the full use of the rythm in the phrase and style. That's more of pianoroll territory, long notes and long patterns.

I'm also not sure if changing phrase is working. But it can depend on the short notes.

Would be nice with some input on Amber because i find it hard to work with. I'm a guitarist and getting better on keyboard but neither seems to help when trying to play this thing. Stepseq help ease it up a lot when it comes to short chords(notes) but...

Sugar-Bytes Guitarist is another one that is hard to produce something useful with. ?

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I continued in my quest for more userfriendly and creative ways to play Amber guitar.

Now you can find an instrument file and an articulation file in the content subforum.

The instrument file helps with giving you note names so you see exactly which notes is playable in the piano roll, without changing Cakewalks base note.


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