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Allow Midi FX within Instrument Track Bins

Mark Morgon-Shaw

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Currently CBB has Audio tracks, Midi tracks and the Hybrid Audio/Midi tracks we call Instrument Tracks

When using Instrument Tracks the FX bin only accepts audio plugins  - because what you're really seeing is the audio output.

This is a pain when you want to throw a Midi FX plugin on because you can't .....the only workaround I can see is to add it to the midi clip itself which is better than nothing but not ideal as you have to bounce all the clips into one or else insert an FX on every clip.

I am calling for a way to add Midi FX to the FX bin on an Instrument Track without having to split it into separate midi & audio channels, it's much easier to keep big projects organized by using Instrument Tracks and because CBB doesn't support nested folders it's not a viable workaround to use synth track folders either. 

Whether it's possible to have a hybrid bin that can accept both types of FX or maybe it would be easier to be able to switch bins on an Instrument Track and toggle between the Audio FX and Midi FX. Alternatively there is space on the Midi Inspector for a dedicated MIdi FX Bin.


Edited by Mark Morgon-Shaw
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