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Console 1 & Fader 48 Hr Flash Sale!

Larry Shelby

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1 hour ago, cclarry said:

I'd go with the FP 16...Behringer is "hit and miss" quality wise...

I'm inclined to agree with that....I love the Behringer price and the master fader, too. But not if the quality isn't there--price for what you get with FP seems a better value, anyway. 

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3 hours ago, cclarry said:

I'd go with the FP 16...Behringer is "hit and miss" quality wise...

I’d suggest searching for xtouch vs faderport reviews.  I was surprised that in some cases, the xtouch came out on top (in feel).

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On 6/25/2021 at 11:53 AM, Dave Maffris said:

Yeah, I saw it afterwards...but I probably won't get it anyway....looking at maybe Presonus Faderport 16 I although I own Studio One 5 I use Cakewalk--I own a Presonus Quantum audio interface. So that may be the best choice for the money. Or go cheaper with Behringer XTouch. Any thoughts?


I have Faderport 8 and Console 1 to go with Studio One 5. Can’t get better than this.

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50 minutes ago, Yan Filiatrault said:

I have Faderport 8 and Console 1 to go with Studio One 5. Can’t get better than this.

I'm thrilled with my bargain used Faderport v1  ($60!) and Studio One 5.  ?

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