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Connection Roland FP-30 to Cakewalk on Laptop via Bluetooth

Neil Hart

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It's been a very long time since I made any music using my old FATAR keyboard and the original Cakewalk, so was incredibly excited to discover it is now part of the amazing BandLab - meaning I have at least already been able to relisten to my old wrk demo tracks (although not all as they should be, so another challenge there soon.. ;))

Anyway, I was hoping to connect my FP-30 to Cakewalk on my laptop via Bluetooth, avoiding the cables of yore. Simple with modern tech, right..? Hmm...

Step 1: Bluetooth enabled on my keyboard and paired with my laptop - simples! :)

Step 2: Open software and hit record... Not so simple.. ?

Question: How do I get the software to see and capture MIDI events, so I can start recording/playing around with what I play on the keyboard?

Problem: As far as I can see, the key issue here is lack of any MIDI devices in preferences :(

Any help, much appreciated!


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Bluetooth MIDI is supported in the UWP MIDI driver mode.  Several devices use it (e.g. Korg microKEY series, Korg nanoKONTROL Studio).

Latency definitely isn't an issue, as the MIDI baud rate is extremely slow compared to Bluetooth's baud rate.

The main reasons I don't use it myself, are:

1.  I've got older MIDI hardware that only work in MME mode.

2. I don't like having to constantly replace batteries for remote devices (especially when they don't move on my desk in any case).


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Thanks both. In that case, don't suppose either of you know how I would actually connect my FP-30 to cakewalk via Bluetooth? I could get a MIDI/USB dongle but I'd really rather not have more cables if I can help it (and there's no negative impact)?

Thanks again.

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6 hours ago, Eddie said:

See the section "Using Bluetooth devices in SONAR" in this blog post by Noel Borthwick.

Thanks Eddie. Somehow my FP-30 is now showing up and can be selected in Cakewalk - yay! For some reason though, when I've armed the track, hit record and play the keyboard nothing seems to be captured in the software :(

Admittedly it's been a VERY long time since I last did this, but hoping I'm missing something obvious? Is there any way for me to simply test it's working?

PS once Cakewalk is open, FP-30 is now showing as connected in Windows Bluetooth settings :)

Thanks again.

Edited by Neil Hart
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The keyboard needs to show in Preferences/ Midi/Devices as an input option. 
As Greg has said make sure you select that as the input to the midi or simple instrument track first. 
if it’s a midi track make sure that outputs to an instrument track. 

Edited by John Vere
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Thanks both. Quick recap:

  • Can't see if bluetooth is enabled on the keyboard
  • It appears to be connected in the windows notification area
  • It is showing and selected in Cakewalk (preferences/devices)
  • It is showing in the MIDI track strip
  • Selected as input in same area (Input = FP30 - Bluetooth MIDI in) - Omni
  • Output selected as MS GS Wavetable Synth

Have attached some screenshots in case that helps!

Only other thing I have seen online is that I might need to specifically set the keyboard to Bluetooth MIDI and/or a specific channel?

Just feels I must be missing something very simple (or have changed a key default setting somewhere).

Thanks again.

2021-06-22 (3).png

2021-06-22 (2).png

2021-06-22 (1).png


2021-06-22 (5).png

2021-06-22 (4).png

Edited by Neil Hart
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Quick update: not sure what I did, but have finally managed to get it working! Just went to double check the function keys I'd tried before and when I opened CW, bluetooth wouldn't connect (it kept appearing on/off in Windows settings). I then removed the device, re-added, re-selected in CW and voila! My piano and MIDI days are here again! ?☺️

  • Haha 1
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  • 6 months later...

So Cakewalkers,

I have simular problem like Neil but I can’t solve it. I have my Roland PF10 connected with an USB-B cable. I can see that I am connected through the preference options. If i play the electric piano i can see volumesignals operate, but i can’t hear no sound through my pianospeakers. I use VSTpluginns for various instrument but they don’t response with my FP10. But they work if i use my computerkeyboard en computerspeakers.

Is it even possible to hear the sound through the PF10-speakers?  Do i need an extra interface and external speakers?

What do i do wrong in my settings?


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