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After the Snow


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This song took me months to finish, mostly due to being busy doing other things, but the long gestation period really made it better than what I had envisioned originally.


Hope you enjoy the listen! All comments and suggestion are always appreciated.


Edited by dcumpian
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This is one of those songs that just sounds like the title/subject.
Really like the strings coming in (cello?) at around 1:00 which brought in an ominous feel, like a cold dark day. Didn't care for the drums coming in around 2:17. I don't know, just seemed like a departure from the mood or maybe just too loud.
What I noticed most of all is how you handle the instrument dynamics so well. A very enjoyable listen!


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17 hours ago, James G said:

'Nice track' indeed ? It's an extremely accomplished piece of work, highly cinematic and beautifully arranged. The tension and release at the end is expertly done. One of your best Dan, really excellent.

Thanks James! I really appreciate the kind words!


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16 hours ago, Lynn Wilson said:

I agree with James, this is one of your better tracks.  In spite of your impressive arsenal, it would be nothing without your expertise.  Happy new year to you, Dan!

Thank you Lynn! Happy New Year to you and yours as well!


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15 hours ago, bjornpdx said:

This is one of those songs that just sounds like the title/subject.
Really like the strings coming in (cello?) at around 1:00 which brought in an ominous feel, like a cold dark day. Didn't care for the drums coming in around 2:17. I don't know, just seemed like a departure from the mood or maybe just too loud.
What I noticed most of all is how you handle the instrument dynamics so well. A very enjoyable listen!


Thank you Bjorn! I'm glad you liked what you liked even though the whole thing may not be your cup of tea. That's what makes music so personal. Appreciate the comments on the dynamics; it has taken me a long time to learn how to preserve them.



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Cinematic goodness here. Mix is impeccable as per usual! Great job on that.

I particularly liked the strings getting going around 1:30 , very controlled and effective.

If it was me, I would have slathered a crapton of cathedral reverb on that piano lead, and ruined it. !

I'll agree with Bjorn a little, the drum set volume was a bit much for my chilled-out state when they came in. You could drop the first transient a db . Or something. So as to not spill one's beverage of choice. ?

Great track, I can see why it took you some time! Well spent

- Tom

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1 hour ago, Studius Interruptus said:

Cinematic goodness here. Mix is impeccable as per usual! Great job on that.

I particularly liked the strings getting going around 1:30 , very controlled and effective.

If it was me, I would have slathered a crapton of cathedral reverb on that piano lead, and ruined it. !

I'll agree with Bjorn a little, the drum set volume was a bit much for my chilled-out state when they came in. You could drop the first transient a db . Or something. So as to not spill one's beverage of choice. ?

Great track, I can see why it took you some time! Well spent

- Tom

Thank you Tom! I've tried different things on that initial drum hit and I just can't find a way to do it that sounds natural and retains the energy I'm going for there. I could turn the whole drums bus down and slowly bring it back up, but when I do it loses that driving energy that pushed the track forward. I'm still stumped but I'll plat around with it some more.


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This is a first class piece of music and a lush production from beginning to end. I love all of the dark and light, ebb and flow that keeps the song interesting throughout.

The feel of the music also fits the title perfectly.  I can't think of anything I would change. 

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Very nicely structured and a fun journey!

I have only one niggle and that is that before the beat comes in the compressing/limiting bite a little too hard on the track. There are spots that sound a little crushed (just very minutely). I would let the beginning go a bit more natural than it is now. :)

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On 1/1/2019 at 1:11 AM, Amicus717 said:

Dan this is excellent. Evolves really nicely, and each section has its own hook and charms, and are beautifully arranged. Really, really enjoyed this one. 

Thank you! I appreciate your comments and I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the piece!


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19 hours ago, ZincT said:


This is a first class piece of music and a lush production from beginning to end. I love all of the dark and light, ebb and flow that keeps the song interesting throughout.

The feel of the music also fits the title perfectly.  I can't think of anything I would change. 

Thank you very much!


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16 hours ago, Kuusniemi said:

Very nicely structured and a fun journey!

I have only one niggle and that is that before the beat comes in the compressing/limiting bite a little too hard on the track. There are spots that sound a little crushed (just very minutely). I would let the beginning go a bit more natural than it is now. :)

Thank you! I used a pusher to get the overall track up in volume before I did my normal finalizing. I think the pusher can get grittier than I'd like and that may be what you are hearing. I usually use GClip/KClip but wanted to try the pusher instead because I do like some of the added harmonics. I just need to play with it some more to really wrap my head around how it works.


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I don't know how you can stick with a project for so long and not get frustrated with the progress causing me to think you are probably one of those methodical thorough types who checks and double checks everything twice. This is actually a great quality to have and shows here in this work. The only thing that bothered me about the mix was the violin didn't seem to be coming out enough. Congrats on this!

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