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Xils Lab Kaox updated to 1.01

Larry Shelby

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Greetings XILS Friends and Fans,

In this issue :  

KaoX, FM and beyond Synthesizer: 1.0.1 version released!

Last call for the KaoX intro price offer 99€ instead of 179€.

1- KaoX, FM and beyond Synthesizer: 1.0.1  released!

The 1.0.1 version of KaoX has been released with the following changes:

16 new factory presets recreating the original GS1 sounds.

New features in the FM envelope that fit the original GS1 behavior better (percussion mode).

CPU improvement in the FM Oscillator.

The glide can now reach 0 ms (some factory presets have been updated).

Windows: AAX plug-in now correctly installed.

The first patch has been changed and works as expected when KaoX is launched.

Hold pedal: The FM envelopes are now correctly triggered.

Hold pedal: Working now as expected when the maximum number of voices is reached.

Inconsistency of the GUI size is now fixed.

Random issue when loading a preset producing no sound is now fixed.

AudioUnit: The crash when launching a preset created by LIVE has been fixed.

Preset Manager: Favori and Hide switches now inverted

No more crashing when removing Factory presets without any user preset available.

MIDI Control assignation issues fixed.

The 1.0.1 installer is available there


Demo KaoX with the license free demo version


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