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Hexachord ORBS Producer Suite 2

Larry Shelby

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  On 6/10/2021 at 6:29 PM, cclarry said:

The "Buy" page is showing V2


When I go to my account and click the d/l button is says v2.0.3

So I am guessing I got it?!!

Will have to go in the studio to see what version I have installed. [edit] I have v2.0.3

Edited by Grem
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  On 6/10/2021 at 7:45 PM, Grem said:

When I go to my account and click the d/l button is says v2.0.3

So I am guessing I got it?!!

Will have to go in the studio to see what version I have installed. [edit] I have v2.0.3


Yep-  I think V1 was 2019 and V2 was a free update in 2020.  I also have 2.0.3


Edit- Check my records. V1 April 2020 and V2 Late 2020/

Edited by Brian Lawler
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  On 6/11/2021 at 7:00 PM, Yan Filiatrault said:

And how do current users like this bundle?


I had forgot I had this. I purchased this on sale while I was at work. Shortly there after my work situation changed and I did not have the time that I use to have so I never got into this suite until yesterday. 

And the results I got with it so far are good. I got the beginning of a song with it. Today Iwant to see how easy it will be to progress to the next part/section/verse without loosing much of what makes this song groove.

I have so far used the Chord, the Bass, and the Arp modules. I find it easy to work with. Get something going then just drag the midi from the module to the trk and move on. I was able to get something going with True Pianos (I will change this to another piano lib), then threw Thorn, and Syntronic (sounds great!!), and added Modo Bass (this also sound excellent too!). Then I went and added some lead and rhythm guitar intro, and the damn thing is starting to sound really good!!

So I am really interested in seeing where this goes. It would not have gone like this had I not had these products, I can tell you that! 

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  On 6/17/2021 at 5:27 PM, TheSteven said:

Today, June 17th, is the last day that the Orb Producer Suite  is on sale (with 30% discount code) for 69 euros...
Is that a good price for nonupgrade entry purchase?


That's what I paid for it last Black Friday.  I don't think it has been cheaper since then.

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Not sure Steven. But I have been working with it for about a week now. I like it.

When you load all the modules in a project and hit play on one of them, you hear all the modules together through the onboard synth.

I have not read the manual yet, but just playing around with it has gotten me almost a whole song. 

Not sure so don't hold me to it, but I think it was cheaper during a covid sale. That when I got it.

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I had this for a couple of weeks after BF and it was overall a good experience.  I compared Captain Plugins at the same time.  I ended up returning both (they both have a 30-day money-back guarantee).  Captain required the app to constantly "check in" with its pattern database at the developer site to render new patterns and would not activate unless the connection was live.  Showstopper for me.  Orb on the other hand was too limited in the scales it supported at the time.  It's a really cool concept though, and the synth is much better to my ear than Captains plugins.  If I picked up one again, it would be Orb.  And I may do that again with this sale, hoping for an update that broadens the available scales.  Both developers were really gracious with the return process and simply asked why I was asking for a refund.  They were equally appreciative for the feedback and the Orbians said they're working on expanding what was missing.

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It looks like it has possibilities.
I picked it up.
I'm out of state dealing with a family issue so I'm not going to have a chance to even break the shrink wrap, so to say, for possibly a couple of weeks, but look forward to checking it out.

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