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T-Racks Tape Machines KRAZY DEAL at B&H!

Larry Shelby

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  On 6/8/2021 at 10:58 PM, ALC said:

I already have Softube Tape on Studio One.  How compelling is it to get one of these?  And, if one were to pick one, which would it be?


I highly recommend demo'ing them.  If I were to get just one it would be the 24...but at these prices, if I could,
I'd load up...they're all decent

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  On 6/8/2021 at 10:58 PM, ALC said:

I already have Softube Tape on Studio One.  How compelling is it to get one of these?  And, if one were to pick one, which would it be?


Just a reminder that Softube Tape works as a Mix Engine FX in Studio one, which is a major advantage to use it
if you already have Studio One.  That being said, these are still VERY GOOD Tape Emulations...some of the best

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  On 6/9/2021 at 12:03 AM, Jacques Boileau said:

I have Black Rooster Audio's Magnetite tape machine emulator that was given by Focusrite's Plugin Collective a while back. How do these compare? Am I all good with Magnetite or are these much better?


It's all flavors...and I've probably tasted them all...and IMO, these are some of the best, but, as has been mentioned, they are a little
CPU heavy.  I'd demo them if these interest you...it only costs you a little time...

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  On 6/9/2021 at 12:07 AM, cclarry said:

It's all flavors...and I've probably tasted them all...and IMO, these are some of the best, but, as has been mentioned, they are a little
CPU heavy.  I'd demo them if these interest you...it only costs you a little time...


Agreed. download and demo and see how it performs on your system.

But I am glad i picked up the 99 at that price. I was looking at other YT posts and realized I am an idiot. I wasn''t driving the input hard enough to get the color they can do.

A decent post on how to use them and what they do .

I think, thus far, I got  3/4 of the Tapes and about 1/2 of Tracks for < $50 in total so far.



Edited by telecode 101
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