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Coyote MIDI | MIDI to Key Commands | Public Beta

Simeon Amburgey

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I have recently discovered Coyote MIDI. I use my nanoKONTROL not only for MIDI CC but as a sort of Streamdeck style hotkey setup for my livestreaming. I had been using another application to do the MIDI CC to Keystrokes but Coyote MIDI far surpasses it in functionality.

Not only does it do a great job with MIDI CC to Keystrokes, but it also includes as Live MIDI RECORDER that is listening in the background and captures any MIDI going into it. So when you are just playing something, it captures it so you will not lose those moments of inspiration.

There is a lot more that they have in mind as the application matures and they are in need of more testers to help kick the tires so to speak so if this is something you might be interested in, take a look at the website and download the FREE beta. There is also an active Discord server that is a great way to keep in touch. Enjoy:

CoyoteMIDI // MIDI to Key Command Utility for Windows


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Looks interesting. For years I’ve been trying to find something that will allow me to use my third piano pedal to turn the pages on PDF sheet music. I don’t much care for the third party custom page turner pedals. They move around too much.

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2 hours ago, Barrie said:

Seems like it only works for Windows, not for pedals (or even doors) ?

Yes, Windows only for now. This is sort of like starting at the ground floor of a new application which is very exciting as the more testers and input, the potential for more features. It looks like from the website there are some really interesting features still to come.

The retrospective MIDI Recorder really caught my eye, as up to this point Cakewalk does not have this feature (yet, hoping), it is like so may ideas pass through the stream of consciousness and onto the keyboard only to be lost, now it is possible to have an idea catcher of sorts. Pianoteq has this "always listening" feature and out of some of the MIDI improvisations has come some interesting completed arrangements.


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