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Automatic time stretching of samples when project tempo is changed?

Randy Maas

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I have been working with Cakewalk for a while now and I made over 20 songs but I always forgot to adjust the tempo of each project.

This is not so handy for dragging vocals around when the grid is not in sync so I am want to adjust the tempo but the project is already created.

I make my beats in another DAW so my project only contains samples of my recorded voice, the beat as a sample and some effects.



My question is:

Will changing the tempo do any time stretching to my project or cause other things that I will need to fix?



I hope the project will remain the same.

Thank you all in advance for helping??




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As Mark noted, the Absolute (SMPTE) runtime of audio clips will not be affected, but they will appear to change length because the Musical (M:B:T) time scale is the fixed, visual reference in Cakewalk. Importantly, however, the start time of audio clips is set to follow 'Musical Time' (M:B:T) by default, so any clip not starting at time zero will maintain its position in the M:B:T time and get audibly out of sync with clips starting at other times. In order to prevent this, you can either change the Timebase property of all audio clips to Absolute from Musical time before making any tempo changes, or (a better option in my view), use Set Measure/Beat At Now to change the tempo, which automatically preserves the Absolute playback timing of all clips (both audio and MIDI) in a project.

To do this:

- Set the  the Now time cursor at measure Current Tempo + 1 with snap enabled.

- Hit Ctrl+M to open the Set Measure/Beat At Now dialog.

- Enter the Measure as Target Tempo + 1, Beat 1, and OK.

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