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Robins and their young in my backyard


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My son helped me set up his video server at home and connect it to use my phone as a camera.

In my back yard, a robin built a nest under my picnic table. I set up the phone to capture the videos that you can see below.

I included my version of Blackbird as the music accompaniment. It wasn’t long enough, so I added in a reversed section in the middle to space it out.

You can see close to the end that one of the robins was none too happy with the phone capturing his actions. He gives it the evil eye and then flies into it.

Today, the nest is empty and the young ones are flying around.


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I always liked this track such a wonderful selection of chords and changes.

Nice Job Steve always cool to watch the fauna in ones own backyard, we have a sparrowhawk visit us some days to drink from the waterfall that feeds our pond.
It always politely leaves all the other birds alone it is like there is a truce at the watering hole here at The 4077.

Nice on both counts.

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Steve , nice version of Blackbird. I don't think I've ever known a guitarist that didn't learn the song as soon as they were capable of playing it. Good job on the video . I've gotten all the animals , critters , birds etc. used to seeing my trail cam I set up nightly. I've caught foxes , coons , possums and deer all eating together. Even the coyotes and possums get along. Only one racoon is a trouble maker  (I think he's a republican)    Enjoyed it ..   mark

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5 hours ago, Wookiee said:

I always liked this track such a wonderful selection of chords and changes.

Nice Job Steve always cool to watch the fauna in ones own backyard, we have a sparrowhawk visit us some days to drink from the waterfall that feeds our pond.
It always politely leaves all the other birds alone it is like there is a truce at the watering hole here at The 4077.

Nice on both counts.

Thanks Wookiee!  I sometimes think birds have more sense than humans ?

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5 hours ago, mark skinner said:

Steve , nice version of Blackbird. I don't think I've ever known a guitarist that didn't learn the song as soon as they were capable of playing it. Good job on the video . I've gotten all the animals , critters , birds etc. used to seeing my trail cam I set up nightly. I've caught foxes , coons , possums and deer all eating together. Even the coyotes and possums get along. Only one racoon is a trouble maker  (I think he's a republican)    Enjoyed it ..   mark

LOL Mark, so true!  I can remember trying to learn it way back in 70-71 timeframe.  Over the years I've changed hand positions a few times.  In my neck of the woods, coyotes roam the streets at night, and I've seen foxes, fisher cats, turkeys and deer.  We live in a development that is sandwiched between small patches of woods and then a golf course.  On one side of us through the woods there is a farm.  On a couple of occasions, some cows got loose and while we were walking the dog at night, we could hear mooing from the woods.  I've caught skunks, possums, chipmunks and squirrels in the back yard in the past, but it is pretty quiet now, except for all of the rabbits that are always around.

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Love it.

Something about babies makes me happy. 

In my back yard, there is a brood that just learned to fly.  They haven't learned to feed themselves.  The parents lead them to the feeder, and demonstrate how to eat from the trough, but the young ones stand there with their moths open waiting for a deposit.  The parents just fly away, the babies sit there bewildered.  The young ones also don't have the fear of humans yet, when I get close they just look at me like "what the hell is that>" before they realize maybe they should bolt.

I never learned how to play this song.   I certainly do like the reversed guitar, as well as the video and the rest of the track.

Edited by Jesse Screed
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14 hours ago, noynekker said:

Very creative version of a classic song . . . like the glissando addition . . . kept my interest throughout, nice nice nice.

Thank you very much.  One thing I try to do is make something interesting and different all the way through rather than just repeat the same thing over and over.  Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I fail ?

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5 hours ago, Jesse Screed said:

Love it.

Something about babies makes me happy. 

In my back yard, there is a brood that just learned to fly.  They haven't learned to feed themselves.  The parents lead them to the feeder, and demonstrate how to eat from the trough, but the young ones stand there with their moths open waiting for a deposit.  The parents just fly away, the babies sit there bewildered.  The young ones also don't have the fear of humans yet, when I get close they just look at me like "what the hell is that>" before they realize maybe they should bolt.

I never learned how to play this song.   I certainly do like the reversed guitar, as well as the video and the rest of the track.

Yeah, it is great to see the blue eggs all of a sudden spring to life.  Thanks for sharing your comments, I enjoyed reading them.  I did manage to get a picture before they hatched.



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Steve, I do a lot of bird photography but I've never had them set up a nest so conveniently close like your robin. Our backyard security camera gets some interesting images now and then like overturned bird baths and big holes in the yard. Raccoons. It's always the raccoons.

I really enjoyed your take on the song. And that last bit where the robin knocked over the camera is hilarious.

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18 minutes ago, bjornpdx said:

Steve, I do a lot of bird photography but I've never had them set up a nest so conveniently close like your robin. Our backyard security camera gets some interesting images now and then like overturned bird baths and big holes in the yard. Raccoons. It's always the raccoons.

I really enjoyed your take on the song. And that last bit where the robin knocked over the camera is hilarious.

It was such a surprise!  I was watching the video feed inside as it happened and couldn't believe it.  He had to make a conscious effort to knock that camera over.  I've had Robins dive bomb me in the past if they thought I was a threat.

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Nice, couldn't help but to be reminded of our IT guys at work doing a live, full-lyric changed cover that started with "Blackberries Ringing in the Dead of Night" ...


PS Love when robins feign that they're dead so as to lead you away from the nest. How did that behaviour evolve?

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