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Why switch from SONAR Platinum?

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8 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

Welllllll....in this case, we are getting what we paid for, it's just that we paid for most of it years ago. Our license fees funded the first 30 years of development, and now that code base is owned by a company that wanted to keep developing it and let everyone use it for free as a promotional, brand-building product.

There were some that were very upset that they had paid hundreds in licensing fees for a product that was now going to be free for everyone, but it's a fact that as a Cakewalk by BandLab user, I know that there is a lot of bonus material in that Platinum bundle that I can't get my hands on for any amount of money, and I also didn't get to use SONAR for all the time that the paid users did (although I did own a SONAR license back in the early 2000's before I set the hobby aside for a dozen years). I was using Mixcraft when Gibson pulled the plug. Mixcraft is a great little program, but a little program it is. I've found Cakewalk to be much more capable.

Ah yeah, I remember Mixcraft as a really nice all audio DAW almost completely designed after the original Mixcraft large format audio consoles hailed as Nashville's Finest. It didn't any MIDI support and they were boasting about that & the evils of open source MIDI support being 'the death of the musician'. ? I also remember it being the most "Cracked" DAW on the market and keygens for it were being placed at the top of the list on Google. ? It was really great for those who wanted to learn how to use a large format console, however not so much for the home recording enthusiast who just wanted to record their music as easily as possible and who could not  care less about learning the finer details of audio engineering, and especially for those of us who just wanted to get our song ideas down with as little opposition and argument as possible.

Oh yeah, as much as I hated to do it, I was one of the 1st kids on the block to replace my childhood friend/favorite human drummer with a Roland TR 707 MIDI drum machine as a studio drummer. But if I didn't I still be right there with him trying to record the perfect takes of "Stairway To Heaven" ?and "Freebird". ?

It kinda turns the meaning of "You Get What You Pay For" into a pretty funny oxymoron, doesn't it? So many people were gleefully downloading the cracked version for free by the time the bakers at Acoustica realized that there actually nothing evil about open source MIDI support they didn't make enough money to develop support for MIDI.

I also find it somewhere between hilarious and offensive how it infuriates some of my fellow CbB users that Bandlab doesn't charge anything anymore for offering continued support for such a powerful and highly sophisticated DAW. Talk about "LOOKING  A GIFT HORSE IN THE MOUTH!" I for one am not the least bit angry, and am literally ecstatic that Bandlab is going to such  great efforts of "Leveling the Playing Field"  offering such a HUGE box of tools in creating such an open source environment to let ALL of our creative FREEDOMS FLY and at a price everyone can afford to do it without having to STEAL ANYTHING! Thanks to Bandlab, EVERYBODY now has now been afforded the PRIVALEGE to take their talents and skills are far as their imaginations can go.. ? And that doesn't offend me in the least..

I was also one of those guys paying for upgrade SONAR Producer and PLATINUM and believe me, I got MORE then I paid for with all the bundled software.

It's all about attitude... Suspicious minds always have a dim and cloudy reflection in the mirror... Negativity attracts negativity, haters gonna hate.. Positivity attracts positivity, and thieves gonna steal.. And success is all about reading the room and being able to give some honest? to that mug in the mirror. ??

What Am I To You? 

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