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[Feature request]: "True MIDI Export" switch in TTSEQ.ini


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Hi there,

may I kindly ask for a way to disable the  "override what the user intended"  feature during MIDI export ("save as *.mid") ?

In the ancient ? Cakewalk versions, the *.mid file was an accurate representation of the project file  (*.wrk back then).

Currently the  *.mid  file  differs from the  *.cwp  file:  shifted program change and controller commands, deleted commands where cakewalk decides "this is an unneccesary duplicate" ... maybe more artificial smartness ...

That does not work out for every one. In some situations it turns out to corrupt a user's deliberate, well-thought choices. What is considered "wrong" by the software might be very "right" for a given setup ...

A switch to preserve the original information at its original/intended place in time during midi export would solve the issue. 

Thanks a lot in advance
and thanks a lot for your excellent work in general!




Elaborated in more detail in this post:


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