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Band Lab Assistant Beta updated to 8.0.0 Beta 5

Larry Shelby

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1 hour ago, Jim Fogle said:

Is there a link or discussion anywhere to find out what features are being added to Bandlab Assistant?

More importantly: Is there a way to provide feedback? 

Maybe its kind of like some sites offer a nightly build or something just so users can try the latest version (i.e., not to get feedback from beta testers).  Or maybe they know that I tried listening to and downloading the packs but couldn't hear anything? Or maybe they know by just my trying the new version that it takes several times to download the update, puts the file in a folder that includes the word "pending," and then still doesn't start the executable file so it has to be done manually for the update to show up?

In any case, its quicker and easier being a beta tester than on some projects--like when you spend hours testing, writing up and sending in detailed comments, only to find the developer doesn't do a thing to fix flaws or make improvements.  :P 


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