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Option to Exclusively Arm One Track at a Time for Recording


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Feature request: An option to only arm one track at a time for recording. If I have drums on Track 1 and piano on Track 2, I will arm Track 1 to record drums. When I am finished recording drums on Track 1, I arm Track 2 to record piano. But before I can record piano, I have to disarm Track 1, otherwise it will record on both Track 1 and Track 2 when I hit record. It would be great if there were an option to exclusively record on one track at a time as the default so that Track 1 is automatically disarmed when I arm Track 2. I almost never intend to record on multiple tracks at the same time, but it ends up happening all the time by accident. 


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BTW original discussion and working workaround (for single tracks):

I think better solution is to have 3 (!) modes:

  1. arm is switched independently (as it is now)
  2. arm is project exclusive (at most one track/group can be armed)
  3. arm is input exclusive (at most one track/group per particular input(s set) can be armed, down to LEFT on one track + RIGHT on another is allowed, but STEREO track disarm both)



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It would be nice, if the currently armed track count would be visible somewhere in the control bar, say, near the global arm button etc. You could then easily check the number of armed tracks before hitting R...

I've developed a habit of first hitting the global arm button to remove the armed status from all tracks and then arming the track I'm about to record on.

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26 minutes ago, Will_Kaydo said:

Or you could highlight the tracks you want to arm, press and hold CTRL and hit the record button. 

Works every time. 

Slightly faster (this made me think of it):

Arm the first track normally

Before next recording, Ctrl-A, then Ctrl-click the record button on the new track to record

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10 hours ago, Kevin Perry said:

Slightly faster (this made me think of it):

Arm the first track normally

Before next recording, Ctrl-A, then Ctrl-click the record button on the new track to record

Yes, but that arm's every track. 

I believe that's not what the O.P want. 

On 5/10/2021 at 10:00 PM, insickness said:

When I am finished recording drums on Track 1, I arm Track 2 to record piano. But before I can record piano, I have to disarm Track 1, otherwise it will record on both Track 1 and Track 2 when I hit record.


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55 minutes ago, Kevin Perry said:

Oh yeah.  I'm sure I managed to do this yesterday somehow like this...it was late!

I think I know what you mean.

I sometimes do this when I want to Solo or Mute multiple track together at once. Instead of using CTRL, I hightlight the first track out ofvthe group and go straight to the last track from the once I want to select and press SHIFT+CLICK. From here, I can control the selected tracks and non selected tracks by holding CTRL and click the action i want to do - arm/solo/mute

I'm not home to check this now. Working at a different studio; different DAW. 

What would make this easier on the O.P suggestion/request, is if the track automatically hightlight up between track scroll with the mouse hovering on it.

That way just pressing "R" would be of use - I might be wrong. 

Like I said, im not at my studio to validate what I have suggested here. ?


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