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Korg Nano Kontrol 2 Control Surface

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Yes, you can use Mackie Mode. Actually there is a sequence of keys to press and hold on the NanoKontrol to make it output Mackie mode. See the NanoKontrol manual/quickstart for that information.

I would also recommend you get Azslows (http://www.azslow.com/index.php?action=downloads) controller since it opened up more options.

Edited by reginaldStjohn
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Wow, this is just amazing.

I've been meaning to ask if anyone had any special insights or tricks regarding use of the NanoKONTROL2 with Cakewalk, and here Mark is with something way beyond my imaginings.

The first thing I want to be able to do, though, is just get that damned Marker/Set button to set a marker ?.

Seriously, why is that the only thing that Korg just couldn't manage?

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26 minutes ago, Starship Krupa said:

Wow, this is just amazing.

I've been meaning to ask if anyone had any special insights or tricks regarding use of the NanoKONTROL2 with Cakewalk, and here Mark is with something way beyond my imaginings.

The first thing I want to be able to do, though, is just get that damned Marker/Set button to set a marker ?.

Seriously, why is that the only thing that Korg just couldn't manage?

That *should* work, though to be honest I've not looked at that functionality. It could just be the Cakewalk command is out of date. The SDK goes back to Sonar 2 !

Leave it with me, and I'll see if I can get it working.

[Edit] - By default, the pressing the Marker button switches to marker navigation mode.  M1 + Marker inserts a marker.

Obviously there's no M1 button on the nanoKONTROL 2, so I'll change it so the Cycle + Marker inserts a marker.

The latest installer with this change is here: http://msmcleod.co.uk/cakewalk/MMcLMackieControlSetup.zip

Edited by msmcleod
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Wow!  Thank you.  Looks like I'll be OK with the unit.

Another plus for the Sonar Forum

Also found this on Sweetwater:

Follow these instructions to set up your NanoKontrol2 with Sonar.

1.     Hold the set marker and rec buttons while connecting the USB cable from your computer.

2.     Open the MIDI device window in Sonar, then select nanoKONTROL2 for Input and Output.

3.     Open the Controllers/Surfaces window, then select Mackie Control for Control Surface.

4.     Select nanoKONTROL2 for the MIDI In/Out ports used.




Edited by Jack Stoner
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Yeah, that's a cool thing about the NanoKONTROL2, it has a built-in "Sonar" mode that of course works a treat with CbB. Meaning that everything is programmed except for the "Set" button under "Marker" for some reason.

There are a couple of other matters that maybe Mark can help with.

With Mixcraft, I had the NanoKONTROL2 set up so that its strip #8 was always set up to control the Master bus, no matter what else the other strips were assigned to. I'm wondering if I can do that again with the device set to "Sonar" mode.

Is it possible to dedicate a NanoKONTROL2 strip to a CbB track, bus, or even hardware output fader?

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36 minutes ago, Starship Krupa said:

Yeah, that's a cool thing about the NanoKONTROL2, it has a built-in "Sonar" mode that of course works a treat with CbB. Meaning that everything is programmed except for the "Set" button under "Marker" for some reason.

The Set button on the NanoKONTROL2 doesn't seem to send anything to Cakewalk at all in SONAR mode, so I couldn't "capture" it. It must set some internal mode in the NanoKONTROL somehow. Once you press "Set" The left / right buttons navigate between existing markers.

On my latest version you can use Cycle + Marker Right to insert a marker. Note that this only works on the NanoKONTROL 2  - the NanoKONTROL Studio doesn't recognise it for some reason.

36 minutes ago, Starship Krupa said:

With Mixcraft, I had the NanoKONTROL2 set up so that its strip #8 was always set up to control the Master bus, no matter what else the other strips were assigned to. I'm wondering if I can do that again with the device set to "Sonar" mode.

Is it possible to dedicate a NanoKONTROL2 strip to a CbB track, bus, or even hardware output fader?

I did a fix a while back for the NanoKONTROL Studio, which can now use the Scrub (labelled as "Scene") button as a shift for the track banks to switch between tracks & buses.

I should be able to do a similar thing with the NanoKONTROL 2 using the Cycle button. I'll let you all know once something is a available.

I do need to be careful with these modifications though, as I don't want to do anything that will break "normal" behaviour.

Nearly all functions operate on the pressing down of a button, so they react immediately. I was lucky with Cycle in that I could react to the releasing of the button instead (as it's not really a time-critical operation). So you'll notice now that it doesn't switch loop on/loop off until you release the Cycle button. Whilst it's down though, I can use it as a shift key for other operations, and it won't act as a normal Cycle button if you've pressed any other buttons whilst it was pressed.

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3 minutes ago, Jack Stoner said:

I installed the msmcleod Mackie control (thanks for this). 

Which do I use with the NanoKontrol2?  I see the extras noted in the PDF file (Mackie Control 1, 2, 3 or the XT or C4 subsets).


MMcL Mackie Control #1 is the one you should use.

The XT is only for the Mackie Extender, and the C4 is for the Mackie C4.

Note:  All the instructions in the original MackieControl.chm help file still apply - the pdf just covers the extras included in the MMcL version.

Edited by msmcleod
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  • 8 months later...

I am new to  NanoKontrol Studio and to Cakewalk, and as of yet, I haven't been able to get the NanoKontrol Studio to work in the  Bluetooth mode. 

I am guessing I have something set wrong? 

The only l way I could get the NanoKontrol working was to set it up using USB and  Cakewalk Generic Surface.  I had to program the Fader, buttons etc.  I was not able to get any functions working other than the basics - record, mute, pan arm etc.

I have to get the NanoKontrol working in Bluetooth so I can record more easily while I play drums and I mainly bought the Nano because of Bluetooth capability.

Currently, the NanoKontrol Studio shows up in my Windows 10 Bluetooth Devices as Paired but not connected.  And, I can't get it to connect or do anything in Cakewalk by  Bandlads..

Any help with these problems would be greatly appreciated.





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5 minutes ago, Bob Savage said:

I am new to  NanoKontrol Studio and to Cakewalk, and as of yet, I haven't been able to get the NanoKontrol Studio to work in the  Bluetooth mode. 

I am guessing I have something set wrong? 

The only l way I could get the NanoKontrol working was to set it up using USB and  Cakewalk Generic Surface.  I had to program the Fader, buttons etc.  I was not able to get any functions working other than the basics - record, mute, pan arm etc.

I have to get the NanoKontrol working in Bluetooth so I can record more easily while I play drums and I mainly bought the Nano because of Bluetooth capability.

Currently, the NanoKontrol Studio shows up in my Windows 10 Bluetooth Devices as Paired but not connected.  And, I can't get it to connect or do anything in Cakewalk by  Bandlads..

Any help with these problems would be greatly appreciated.





If you're using Bluetooth, you need to set your MIDI driver mode to UWP within Cakewalk.... oh, and this only works on Windows 10.

You've probably got it set to MME:



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You are  exactly right! And, thank  you so much! ?

That's all I needed to do and I am up and working.  Had to do some playing around with some other settings but I can now use the NanoKontrol Studio from anywhere in my studio via Bluetooth.  A great improvement over trying to record from the drums on the other side of the room and looking at the computer monitor while using a mouse.

Okay, now that I found someone who knows what Cakewalk can do and, how to do it, I'd like to ask you another question if I can.

I have seen discussions of using the Mackie Settings in Cakewalk. Is there anything that can be gained over programming the Generic Surface?  There are some features on the Nano that can't be programmed due to the limits of the Generic settings I know.

And, since I often record more than 8 tracks, is there a way to do a bank shift so that the Nano tracks 1-8, now become 9-16 etc?  

 I see that the Generic surface has a limit of 32 tracks.


Again, many thanks



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If you're using the nanoKONTROL Studio for transport, in my opinion the Mackie Control route.

I wouldn't advise using the generic surface while the nanoKONTROL Studiois in Mackie mode. In it's CC mode, you could use the Korg Editor and then create your own mappings in the generic surface, but I don't see many advantages there.

To change banks, use the < and > buttons under "TRACK" , just above the transport buttons.

There's many more functions you can access (such as editing plugin / synth parameters using the panpots) using the SCRUB button as a shift key:


You may also want to checkout my Mackie C4 editor, which allows you to map effects & synth parameters to the knobs on your surface (make sure you limit the mapping to the top row for the nanoKONTROL?


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Here's what I am using.

I have the NanoKontrol Studio controlling my CbB DAW in the Generic Control Surface mode. 

I may try something else in the future but right now, I am not aware that I am missing any needed capabilities.

Since my Focusrite 18i20 interface provides 8 inputs, I must reset and use those 8 inputs for all CbB tracks.  So - on the Nano, I have set up 3 scenes at this time.  Scene 1  controls Cakewalk tracks 1-8.  Scene 2  controls tracks 9-16 and scene 3 deals with 17-24.  I will set up scene 4 to control tracks 25-32 at a later time but for now, 24 tracks is plenty for me.

I am not using any synthy stuff at all as  I only record drums, guitars, keyboard, vocals etc.  I am not a synth guy at this point.


This forum has been a great help for me as I am a newbie to much of this.

I  had been using a Roland 2480 as my stand alone board for years and I finally decided to make a change. I would record at my studio.  And then take the .wav files to my friends studio for final mixing and mastering there. He uses Cubase, Audition and Cakewalk.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi Everyone........I am a very long time user of Cakewalk/Sonar but have only just started trying to use the NanoKontrol2 to control various VST's.  I have no trouble with using it with CbB but as soon as I go into CC mode I start to pull what's left of my hair out.  I have been using the Act controller and can assign all Rotary's and faders (8 of each)  in Learn mode but the trouble starts when I try to use Act Learn to assign Vst functions to Nano Sliders and Rotaries.  Sometimes it works and other times it dosen't.  I've even had one fader controlling 5 parameters even though they have different CC numbers. Anyone got any infomation that might help?


http://msmcleod.co.uk/cakewalk/C4Mapper.zip         Is this the answer?          Thanks for any help.

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