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As mysteriously as AnyDayLong arrived he has disappeared. The website and YouTube videos, poof! I did confirm that he was formerly with Past To Future Reverbs. He made some pretty cool sounding drum libraries. They weren't ultra detailed, but they had a really cool vibe. I always find it a bit sad to see small independent developers vanish, usually due to poor sales. 

I wish him the best. Maybe we'll see him again in the future. 

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3 minutes ago, Doug Rintoul said:

Wow. He has gone to great lengths to scrub his presence from the web. I wonder what happened?

Yeah, it seemed rather obvious that he was posting here under two different identities, but for some reason didn't want to acknowledge it was him. I personally greatly appreciate talented indie developers and he clearly has talent. I hope we hear more from him in the future. Hopefully, he'll see this thread and realize that he was appreciated. 

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14 minutes ago, PavlovsCat said:

Yeah, it seemed rather obvious that he was posting here under two different identities

That put me off straight away. Just gives the wrong vibe to me. If anyone is here to sell something, just be honest about it. Nothing wrong with that, but pretending to be someone/something else is a big turn off for me.

From what little I saw of the products they seemed to be using the names of famous artists, so I wonder if he hit legal problems because of that.

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17 minutes ago, paulo said:

That put me off straight away. Just gives the wrong vibe to me. If anyone is here to sell something, just be honest about it. Nothing wrong with that, but pretending to be someone/something else is a big turn off for me.

From what little I saw of the products they seemed to be using the names of famous artists, so I wonder if he hit legal problems because of that.

Yes. That makes perfect sense. 

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A good reminder that if you really like a developers products support them,  buy something or make a donation.
Most small developers never make a profit, it's a labor of love.    and sometimes in the end love costs too much.

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1 hour ago, paulo said:

Just gives the wrong vibe to me. If anyone is here to sell something, just be honest about it. Nothing wrong with that, but pretending to be someone/something else is a big turn off for me.

I don't know the details so I can't comment on specifics but they may be good reasons for wanting to maintain a separate identity.
I try to keep my day gig and audio related interests and endeavors isolated.  I lost a major IT job a couple of years back with a new tech company because the investor backing the firm felt with my involvement in audio that I didn't have enough commitment to the field. 


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18 minutes ago, TheSteven said:

with my involvement in audio that I didn't have enough commitment to the field. 

Wow!! Ignorance on their part probably cost them a great employee.

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Yeah, I thought his posting under different identities pretending it wasn't him was odd. He clearly didn't realize that developers can freely post here.

But he was always friendly and gave away some very good libraries, so it's not a big deal, IMO. I found it a bit of a shame he didn't realize that many of us -- including me -- greatly appreciate talented developers and appreciate the opportunity for direct communication with them. Hopefully he'll come around again after realizing it. And this is a total leap, but I wondered if he wasn't dealing with depression from some of the statements he made regarding staying motivated and how much encouragement meant.  So, circling back to the posts pretending to not be himself, I'll cut him some slack and be grateful for the quality libraries he gave away for free. 

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1 hour ago, TheSteven said:

I don't know the details so I can't comment on specifics but they may be good reasons for wanting to maintain a separate identity.
I try to keep my day gig and audio related interests and endeavors isolated.  I lost a major IT job a couple of years back with a new tech company because the investor backing the firm felt with my involvement in audio that I didn't have enough commitment to the field. 


In the case of a possible conflict with a day job then yes I could understand adopting a pseudonym for the moonlight gig, but in that scenario one could just say hi, I'm Joe Madeupname and these are my products....... Posing as a punter who just happened to chance across these products that they would like to share with you at more or less the same time as they joined the forum just comes across as disingenuous to me and very unlikely to make me want to give that person any money at all. Maybe that's not the case here, but it certainly smelled like it to me.

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2 hours ago, PavlovsCat said:

Yeah, I thought his posting under different identities pretending it wasn't him was odd. He clearly didn't realize that developers can freely post here.


he had a few different identities, some which were just to 'promote' their stuff....eg "hey check out this great new product" - that was enough for me to avoid their stuff.



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4 hours ago, simon said:

he had a few different identities, some which were just to 'promote' their stuff....eg "hey check out this great new product" - that was enough for me to avoid their stuff.



I  completely agree that is a sleazy practice and it's generally wise to distrust a new dev who engages in such practices. FTR, the developer who owns Melda Productions regularly spammed KVR posing as VST users praising his VSTs back when he was starting out (and he eventually admitted doing so and stopped). Frankly, it caused me to avoid his VSTs, but he turned out to be a pretty talented dev. In this case, AnyDayLong has done a lot of really good drum libraries released by PastToFutureReverbs that many of us already own and the proof of the quality of his sample libraries was easy to see from his freebies.

So, yes, those practices are a huge turnoff and should have been beneath him, but the quality of his libraries spoke for themselves. Again, I'm more prone to cut the guy some slack for those practices because he has been proven both talented and generous. 

Edited by PavlovsCat
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