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Playing music and Sonitus/Parametric Eq... not possible?


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Cakewalk 2012.04 build 125, 64bit

Greetings, all:

I became a new user of Cakewalk, after my Roxio Sound Editor (Roxio Easy CD Creator 7... yes, that very old one, indeed) install cd broke.

Now, in Roxio, I could manipulate a song's position, play, pause, stop, ... while the Parametric Equaliser was open.
When I try this in Cake, then... impossible.
Opening the PEq or SEq stops the song from playing, and I cannot do anything outside that Eq window, trying to results in the well known Windows Error PING sound.
I NEED to close the Eq, if i want to do anything, which is actually counter intuitive and illogical.
At least, in my case, let's get that straight... there might, and probably are... people that have no issues with that, however, I work only by hearing.
Never used a graphical setting, or anything visual, when it comes to editing music: I worked purely by hearing.

But this seems impossible...
I've been running through the settings many a time, see if I missed something, maybe a checkbox that might allow me to actually work with the PEq/SEq while I move through the music, none such option found...

What am I doing wrong?
I cannot believe, it is programmed to work like this.
So, the issue has to be on my side... but where, what...

Can someone please help me out here?

Thank you very much:

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Question: related to topic:
Below we have the movie player.
Is it possible to half that field, and dock the PEq or SEq there, so it becomes a "set part" of the whole?
That it boots up with the rest when I open Cake?

That would be, for me (and probably 2, 3 others), the ultimate...
As I use that tool most of all (read... virtually continuously...).
If so, how do I do this please?

Thank you.

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I figured it partially out: I need to start the music before opening the Eq.
Now, that is fixed, but I still cannot manipulate the music while the Eq is open (ie: stop, play, pause, FFWD, FRWD, ...) .
I think, if I can dock the Eq, the issue will be fixed?
I hope?


After searching, I figured out how to call forth the QEq, brilliant.
But no option to move or otherwise manipulate it?
Or, what I specifically prefer: to dock and pin it that way?

Still checking...

Started to figure it out: Using now QEq, I can manipulate the time and place of a song.
I actually had a song done, sounded awesome, export to Flac as 64 bit, 24Bit PCM.... massive crash.

PC even went into BSOD.

I am going to retry this, and save to WAV, which is annoying as it was a rather big file already as an MP3....
No idea what the FLAC extension would've cost me, but in WAV... this is going to be BIIIIG...    :(
I wonder what caused the BSOD... haven't had any in many years... if I recall right, about 8, maybe 9 years ago, I had me a BSOD, but that was because a video driver had made a corrupt installation... which caused the system to just totally fail booting completely up, resulting in BSOD...

Keeping you posted.

Saving to FLAC caused yet another BSOD.
Saving to WAV was no issue.
Must be the FLAC module?

Addendum: Cake seems unable to save the preset I made to start up in, though it is an option.
It always reverts to the base startup style and tools when starting.

Not quite time saving friendly...
Unless I missed something.

I do not know when I can post more info: my cardiologist called me, I have to report into the hospital RIGHT AWAY, or so she said.
How long this one will take, no idea, but i WILL be back.
Take care all!!!

Edited by Xogroroth
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Good luck at the hospital. 

Im not sure where your at but I highly recommend spending some time watching the tutorials 

Example there should be no issues with having any VST GUI open while playing  a song and making adjustments. 
Go to the tutorials sub forum. I have made a bunch too that you’ll find in my signature

 Hope everything is well. 

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19 hours ago, John Vere said:

Good luck at the hospital.

Oh, all is well, sir.
They always make such a fuss over my ricketytick... I do not...   :P

Now, VST GUI... I have no idea what VST is, to be honest, I am truly a noob professional noob.   XD
Which is ok, I mean, I get done through messing around, what I have in mind.
And through messing around, I learn actually the most.

Problem with these vids... is me... I am autistic (Asperger's) with ADHD... if there's no one around to snap me back into the video's...
You know how it is: "... while light is moving in a wave ... OOOOH BIRDIE!!!"
Yeah, that's me.
I do not have either the focus, nor "the lack of enough energy" to sit through one.
Which can be annoying.

While those were the first few hours, I did learn a lot, and got even a project done, that sadly refused to save and make my system go BSOD.
Saving in WAV works good though, but have not had time for a new idea/project.
Or to repeat the lost one.

Now, I need to figure out (if at all possible) to dock the darn QEq, and have that saved so the editor boots up with the QEq immediately accessible.
Haven't figured it out yet... and i begin to think... it is not possible...  :(

Might be an idea for next release?
Maybe make it so, that one can dock whatever tool, and have a preset to boot the editor into?



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Well if Videos don't work for you then there's the 1,800 page documentation which you can search  for topics. Just Google your question. And Cakewalk uses standard Windows system of opening dialog boxes. All the Plug in windows can also be "pinned" so they stay open even when not in focus. Cakewalk uses a Skylight interface where all your workspace modules can be customized  and docked or undocked. You set it up the way you like it and save the "workspace"  

The other handy tool for beginners is open the Help module , go to Views to find it. When you hover the mouse over any part of the screen it will tell you what it is and if you click the "Learn More" button it will open further details. 

A VST is a Virtual instrument Cakewalk includes a lot of them. There are also VST effect Plug ins. 

You would have to read the documentation because nobody has the time to type out instructions that are easily available. 

Cakewalk is complicated and nothing will work the way you think it should work. You really have to spend time learning. Otherwise you'll be doing everything  backwards. 

Screenshot (97).png

Edited by John Vere
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On 4/29/2021 at 6:03 PM, John Vere said:


Thank you for responding:
"Cakewalk uses standard Windows system of opening dialog boxes. All the Plug in windows can also be "pinned" so they stay open even when not in focus. Cakewalk uses a Skylight interface where all your workspace modules can be customized  and docked or undocked. You set it up the way you like it and save the "workspace""

Yes, this I figured out as well, thank you, sir.
But those Open Dialog system, why not make that into dockable windows?
I mean, I have a huge plate that's empty.
Nothing there, just free space.
Now, imagine, I could simply put the QEq there and dock it...
Or whatever tool one uses a lot, i speak of the QEq as that is what I use, but it could be anything.
Pinning is a good temporary system, but if you want to actually be a "part of your setup"... it's not really enough?
"The other handy tool for beginners is open the Help module."

OH yes, and this tool REALLY helps me A LOT!!!
Brilliant idea, whomever that got it, it's direct, to the point, and place VERY tactically.
At least to me, it is...

I even have three projects done, and getting the hang of it.
One person asked for a Speedcore song, but "bass boosted"
In most cases, folks seem to think, it's done by taking the overall volume and lower it, while you bump the bass.
What i do is lower the frequency of the bass, without touching the rest.
I do not lower the overall volume, nor do I bump up the bass volume.
And many a person seem to appreciate the way I destroy their song.  :P
If it makes them happy, I am happy...

But truth be told: where i was looking for a kid tricycle, I got a bus-Rolls Royce crossover, and where the old tool I used was so simple that even the offspring 500 years from now already understand, this one is "slightly" more complex.
Also BETTER...
Still, for my simple brain of 45 IQ... a tad overkill.   ;)
But man, what an overkill...
"A VST is a Virtual instrument..."

Ah, thank you.
And I actually am trying to wrestle through the billions of pages.   XD
But seeing my super focal span...  :P ... I will be about 300 when done.
Let's hope there will not be a revision...  lmao...
Personally then I never bothered by typing out the whole thing.
But I do get you, sir.

About the VST's: Brilliant, but I fear I will not be using them a lot...
I hope the Open Dialog Windows will eventually all become (or get the option to) dockable objects, so one can create a startup  preset that is TRULY personalised.


(I hope, though my input is so very noobish, it still is a tad useful... Too bad, it isn't Quantum Physics, that at least I understand.)

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XanLcDvalfCPxx19gLFhOza9TXHFzm6JVlfPXTaqYou can create custom templates and save them and this will do what you are asking about. 

You simply create your dream project and save it as a Template ( CWT ) file. 

Next time you start a fresh project open your template and everything that was part of your dream set up is there including any effects like 3EQ. 

You can also save track templates and have things like your 3EQ as part of that template. 


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2 hours ago, John Vere said:

XanLcDvalfCPxx19gLFhOza9TXHFzm6JVlfPXTaqYou can create custom templates and save them and this will do what you are asking about. 

Yes, but one cannot do this with the tools, like for instance the equalisers.
I would love to put the SEq and QEq as docked to the Cake system.
And save that as template, so the Cake would boot with the Eq's in place and "active".

I hope this was clearer, sir?
English is not my primary language, and I am autistic (Asperger's).
(The next one that names a a medical terminology like a plant... I'll whoop is rear end!!!)   ?  lol

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OK I did a google search for SEq and QEq and they don't show up as a Plug in or even anything at all. I can only assume by the short titles that they are Equalizer effect plug ins.   I'm not sure where you got them from or what you are doing with them. The screen GIF video in my above post demonstrates a standard VST equalizer plug in VST which DO stay in place as you are after.   . Cakewalk also has a very good Equalizer built into the pro Channel. I think you need to forget everything you did in Roxio and learn about how Cakewalk does things. 

Screenshot (99).png

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Ah, I am so sorry:
PEq is Parametric Equalizer
SEq is sonitus Equalizer
QEq is the Quadcurve Eq.

Yes, i need to forget Roxio... but for my autistic brain... it does not like change...   :(
I am so sorry...


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