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Softube FREE Model 84 Preset Pack

Larry Shelby

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A faithful emulation of a 1980s-era idol

Just in case you missed it, we recently released Model 84 Polyphonic Synthesizer to great fanfare. Our latest plug-in is circuit modeled on a component level from a majorly righteous polyphonic synth from 1984 that produced gnarly synthwave reverberations and went on to outrun its era. The result is a perfect facsimile of the original hardware with all the same quirks and linearities.

Model 84 comes packed with both the original presets and striking new artist presets created by Jamiroquai keyboardist Matt Johnson so you can get the authentic sound of the Decade of Greed and more without spending a second fussing with knobs. Check out this video where Matt Johnson demonstrates sounds that range from retro to modern-day fat, wide, crispy leads, and download your free Model 84 Preset Pack today.

Watch video and download presets

Special intro price, plus 20% off

Model 84 is available now for a special intro price of $99, and with this voucher, you can save an additional 20% on the intro price and get it for only $79. To take advantage of this voucher, log in to your Softube account and use this checkout code:



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