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Scarlet 2i2 compatible with cakewalk?



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Shopping for an Audio Interface?

There is a lot of choices.

Make a list of your requirements first.


What kind of connectivity do you require? and how many of each. This is the most important determining factor. Most of us only need a few in/outs. It’s nice to not have to unplug and plug stuff in.

It’s false economy to short change yourself on this feature. You end up having to purchase a mixer as example.

These are some of the options:


XLR, 1/4",  Combi jacks,  RCA, ¼” line level, ¼” Instrument level ,MIDI, SPDIF, ADAT,MADI

How many ins and outs do you think you'll need now and in the future?

Are they accessible?  Front or rear panel?

Are all ¼” jacks Balanced?  Some have RCA jacks in Parallel with main outputs. 

Is there a true stereo input pair? Some don’t have a matched set of inputs which sucks for recording stereo devices like outboard synths and drum machines.


Are there peak level meters or just a little LED for each input? Do all inputs have a peak indicator?

Are there channel Insert jacks?

Are there separate controls for Monitor level and headphone level?

Is there a blend control for mixing Input Source with Computer ( DAW) ? A lot of cheaper interfaces are missing this important feature and only have a on/off toggle.


How many Headphone jacks? A level for each? This is also important if you work with other musicians.

Are the input pads or line / Instrument toggle switches on the front, back or software controlled?

Is it a metal box or cheap plastic? Is it light and portable or large and bulky, Rack mountable?

Does it have an on / off switch?

Does it use Buss power or a power supply?

 Buss power can have issues with noise and Phantom power and some need a dedicated USB 3 buss. Look for at least an optional power supply.  

Does it have DSP effects built in?

Does it use a GUI mixer? Having a software (GUI) mixer adds more options.

Can it be used as stand alone? Some interfaces are also handy as a small mixer.


Does it have a Loop back function. This is a newer feature that is real important if you do live streaming,  screen captures, stand alone VST recording or wish to record any playback from outside your DAW.


What are the Round Trip Latency (RTL) specs? Do you need low RTL for real time processing?

Low RTL is going to be at a higher price point. Most interfaces under $600 will have hidden buffers etc.

Zero Latency monitoring is not the same as RTL. All interfaces have some latency.

Zero latency is just marketing hype for monitoring directly from the interface.


And most important of all, Does it have top notch ASIO drivers for your OS.  Don’t buy any interface that say’s “class compliant driver” that will work for a Mac, but not very well with a PC.

What is the word on support from the company? Visit the web site and try creating an Account before you purchase. Pretend you just bought the device.  See if the drivers and manuals are easy to get at and kept up to date.

Does it come with free software, Example Focusrite interfaces seem to come with a lot of good stuff. This has added value to the purchase price.


Everyone will recommend the interface they have chosen, that doesn't mean it is the right one for you.


Make your list starting with the input /output specs. Example you determine you need a 4x4 interface. That just narrowed down the search by a lot! You might find only 10 models. Now compare those to get the most features needed. Check for pricing on sites like Sweetwater or Musicians Friend.

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If you want complete portability ie bus powered, then the Scarlett 2i2 is fine, I had the 2i2 and the 2i4, they both worked great but then every interface I have ever bought has worked fine provided you have the right and latest drivers for your operating system. I did have troubles with latency but that is probably partially due to my under powered computer. If you have a fast computer, it may not bother you so much.

If portability is not so much of an issue, I would recommend the Steinberg UR242 instead, as it has onboard DSP and FX and like all interfaces with onboard DSP it requires a mains plugin. I currently use the UR44 which has the same DSPFX chip.

It's a bit finicky but being able to control reverb, compression and eq in your headphones while you sing without having to worry about computer latency is nice. They are also good quality FX. Also, having access to guitar amps without worrying about latency is great, although the amps that come with the DSPFX are not the best, they are ok, but it gives you the feel of playing through an amp and you can switch over to your favorite amp sim after you have recorded.

John's right about buying something that suits your needs, good advice there. It can be frustrating thinking your interface would do something that you need and then finding out it won't do that.

EDIT: I've just looked, and it appears that the UR24C is the new model and that apparently has bus power but also the DSPFX chip, if that is the case, then it is a really good deal, it's also cheaper than the 2i2. 

On looking further, the model is UR22C, the 24C is more for DJ type people. Apparently Steinberg are offering the DSPFX chip on all their bus powered USB C-series interfaces. The UR242, which requires mains plugin, is still available.





Edited by Tezza
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likely answer, someone didn't read the manual or search for answers before posting, then after waiting an eternity (10 mins or so) then decided to RTM or use a search engine (which shall remain nameless) to find the answer in another 2-5 min of "effort".  after which their post for help is no longer relevant and thus cancelled via ghosting... ? 

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The OP asked the question "is it compatible" and got the answer "yes it is" ....case closed!

Although why on earth you would buy a 2i2 over a UR22c is beyond me, unless you are on a desktop and don't have a USB-C connection of course but there are inexpensive cards for that, don't know how well they would work.

I'm glad I chased up the latest Steinberg interfaces, that USB-C is massive for me, means DSPFX on bus power! woo hoo! I can have the same setup I have on my UR44 on a laptop that is truly portable, without even being connected to the mains. A laptop, the UR22c and the Akai mini MPK, all fits in a laptop bag and you can set up a studio anywhere. I think I've found my travel kit.

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