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Sorry Empty Feeling - HitReocrd


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I've been working on a massive collaborative song via the site HitRecord.org


This song started out as a simple piano track and has now progressed into a full blown pop song.

I'd be interested to know if I managed to pull off a decent mix of the female vocals in the second verse.  I had to work with a vocal recorded on a telephone in an echoey room - I really struggled to make it sit in the mix.  Any suggestions on how to tame that vocal?

Appreciate any feedback - cheers! :)

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So, first, I like the song...it has a big feel.  The female vocal part just isn’t on par with the rest of the song IMHO.   ‘Sorry, I have no suggestions other than to have that vocal re-recorded with a better setup if possible.

Cool track.?

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2 hours ago, amiller said:

So, first, I like the song...it has a big feel.  The female vocal part just isn’t on par with the rest of the song IMHO.   ‘Sorry, I have no suggestions other than to have that vocal re-recorded with a better setup if possible.

Cool track.?

Thanks amiller.  I really liked the tone of her voice, but I agree, it does not stand up to the whole track - luckily, this is part of a process, so I'll try and get some other vocalist to do a fresh take.  It's a shame that so many singers have no access to decent recording setups, or even a decent mic.  Real shame.

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I haven't seen this site before - looks like a collab site, kinda Bandlabian?

at around :13 the male vocal's  "MAtters"     and :17  "My" have like a compressor grabbing the vowel pretty hard? Or is that some editing fun? I dunno.

I agree, it's a "big" sounding song and mix, and I like it!


The girls vocal sounds like it lacks low mids, which if recorded on a cellphone would make sense. Have you boosted stuff down there? You'd need a very decent eq, the best you got, or else you'll just add artifacts. You might remove just a bit more of her highs with a gentle eq rolloff to get some of the raspiness taken care of. But it's really not too horrible as is - those are little tweaks,


But the main thing is, cool song!


The guy's voice is great!


The drums sound a bit far away, particularly the hi hats / cymbals.


Whatever you have for the bgv's works very well!


How many people chipped in on this?






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On 4/6/2019 at 3:27 AM, emeraldsoul said:

I haven't seen this site before - looks like a collab site, kinda Bandlabian?  - 

It's the passion project of the actor Joseph-Gordon-Levitt.  Started up about 2000.  I've been doing stuff on it for years, but this is the first collab. that I've driven.

at around :13 the male vocal's  "MAtters"     and :17  "My" have like a compressor grabbing the vowel pretty hard? Or is that some editing fun? I dunno.

One of the negatives of the site is that most collaborators are not pro in any way, so they often record on mobiles, laptop mics etc.. The guys vocals were great, but required some editing to make them fit the track (esp. timing), hence some glitches in the audio.  I'll check the compressor though - thanks for spotting that for me.

I agree, it's a "big" sounding song and mix, and I like it!

Going for a Wall of Sound feel. Glad you like it ;)

The girls vocal sounds like it lacks low mids, which if recorded on a cellphone would make sense. Have you boosted stuff down there? You'd need a very decent eq, the best you got, or else you'll just add artifacts. You might remove just a bit more of her highs with a gentle eq rolloff to get some of the raspiness taken care of. But it's really not too horrible as is - those are little tweaks,

Thanks for the production tips.  I tried adding mids using Overloud Gem EQ, but I think you're right, it added lots of artifacts to the voice. 

My FX chain starts with a Gate, then EQ to remove harshness, then compressor, then EQ to add mids, then booster such as izotope..some reverb buses.  It's a long and messy chain....it adds life to the vocal, but might be adding too much noise too.

But the main thing is, cool song!

Thank you! ❤️

The guy's voice is great!

Totally!  That's what drove me to build the song into what it is.

The drums sound a bit far away, particularly the hi hats / cymbals.

I'll get onto that.

Whatever you have for the bgv's works very well!

I think the decisive factor there is 'decent initial recording' - when the initial recordings are good, it's a pleasure to edit - the main female singer's vocals sent me mad for a week just getting them to this stage.

How many people chipped in on this?

Through lyric writing to final mix - about 30, I'd say.  Not all contributions were used, but in the mix, I'm playing everything apart from one of the string sections and one of the piano sections - there are 5 female vocalists & 2 male (including my modest contribution t vocals).

If anyone here wants to join in, they are more than welcome to come join the remix on the site - all stems will be made available for remixing  in the near future. 

Thanks everyone for the listen and advice. ❤️


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Ok Guys!  Here's an alternative version with a different female singer - she's still using a laptop mic to record (a bugger to get under control) so I had to leave in the room reverb; adding more reverb made a muddy mess.  What do you think?


I've asked her to re-record with a decent mic - she says a musician friend has bought her something to record with...so, fingers crossed. The other singer can't do a better recording, so I'll have to drop her, I'm afraid. :(


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