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[Resolved] NI Komplete Kontrol plugin - display bug with AAS Synths


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I have reached out to tech support at Applied Acoustic Systems about this issue. According to them, Native Instruments has confirmed that the problem is on their side.

I have been able to reproduce this using several different DAWs, including Cakewalk. It is only the Komplete Kontrol DAW plugin that does this, as the standalone KK application appears to work correctly.

The synths tested were Chromaphone 3 and Ultra Analog VA-3.

To reproduce the bug:

1. Open an instance of the Komplete Kontrol plugin in your DAW.

2. Browse and select a preset for one of the above AAS synths in the KK plugin. The AAS synth GUI should display normally in the KK plugin window.

3. Close the KK plugin window and reopen it.

4. The AAS synth GUI will be blanked out in the KK plugin window.


Komplete Kontrol before closing KK plugin window.PNG

Komplete Kontrol after resuming KK plugin window.PNG

Edited by abacab
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  • 1 year later...

Same problem here with all AAS NKS plugins. 

I have reached out to tech support few tears ago at Applied Acoustic Systems about this issue. According to them, Native Instruments has confirmed that the problem is on their side.

So far I'm using AAS out of Komplete Kontrol...

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I pushed this issue with NI support earlier this year. At first they told me that they couldn't reproduce the issue after I had given them detailed steps. So I persisted and they finally grudgingly passed the issue on to the development team, without any guarantee that it would be fixed anytime soon.

Maybe in the next version of KK? The browser could use a re-write anyway in the Kontakt 7 GUI form, IMO... ?

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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 1/20/2023 at 1:14 PM, lodube19 said:

Hope so. Still waiting since 2019....

AAS reproduced the issue few years ago when I reached them. 


It's real. I can reproduce it on two different computers, one is a DIY desktop with an Nvidia GTX graphics adapter, the other is a Dell laptop with Intel HD integrated graphics.

It's hard to imagine that NI has let this bug persist for so long. The standalone KK works just fine, as it's only the plugin version that is bugged. But I find the standalone useless as you can not layer instruments in KK, so using the plugin in a host allows you more than a single instance of KK. But the weird thing is that this bug appears when only using a single instance of the KK plugin.

Bottom line is that I have quit using KK for now, and just check it out with each update. So far, no joy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nothing but Crickets... [chirp]

As far as I know this has been an ongoing issue for at least 2 years. AAS support says it's an NI issue.

I had to persist with the NI support team to get them to acknowledge that it was an issue. At first they said they could not reproduce it. This was over a year after AAS had already stated that NI had confirmed the problem is on their side. But eventually all I got from NI support was that they would pass it on to their development team but without any commitment to a fix, then they closed the support ticket.

I'm done with KK. ;)

All I could suggest is to open your own ticket with NI support. Maybe they don't consider it a big enough issue to bother with. More complaints & tickets might get some attention.

Edited by abacab
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  • 2 months later...

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