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Softube Retro 1984 Synth

Larry Shelby

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The retro-future is here with Model 84

The year is 1984. Splashing down is a majorly righteous polyphonic synthesizer that will go on to outrun its era. Used on countless records by innumerable artists, it’s a six-voice synth that set a standard and established a sound. We applied our award-winning modeling expertise to a fully-serviced and calibrated 1984 unit and the result is a perfect facsimile of the original hardware. Using rock & roll science, we’ve created a plug-in that has all the quirks and non-linearities of the 1980s-era idol, plus added features and flexibility for modern production.

Special intro price, plus 20% off

Model 84 Polyphonic Synthesizer is available now for a special intro price of $99, and with this voucher, you can save an additional 20% on the intro price and get Model 84 for only $79. To take advantage of this voucher, log in to your Softube account and use this checkout code:



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There are lots of good simulations of this synth and Softube, even with the discount, is a bit expensive. If it was only for the synth I'd probably pass this time but the individual modules available in the Softube modular system (including the famous juno chorus) makes all the difference IMO. I got the (Moog) model 72 before for the same reason and I'll probably get this too.

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After watching Starsky Carr's fantastic video comparing an actual physical Juno 106 and the new Softube Model 1984 I cracked open the Cherry Audio DCO 106 and replicated some of the settings only to discover that the Cherry Audio synth definitely sounds different (worse), whereas the Softube Model 1984 seems to sound identical to Starsky's hardware. From there I loaded the demo of the Roland Cloud Juno 106 only to find that too didn't sound like the hardware Juno 106!

At that point I decided to install the demo of the Softube Model 84, and compared some of the original presets between the three. The Softube soundly defeats both the Roland and the Cherry Audio. 

From there I loaded up TAL and Arturia's Juno 60 emulators and noted that the Softube definitely has the best sound quality of all of them. It has mojo

They modelled the chorus so well that it has the hiss from as soon as you turn the chorus on (I hope they introduce the ability to disable this in a future update). But it sounds divine, head and shoulders above the other Juno choruses (with the exception of Arturia that it still beats, just not by as much). 

I had been planning to get Roland Cloud as I had been thinking they would offer the closest sound to the original hardware, but this has made me revise my plans. I think my money would be better spent getting some more Softube gear. 

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