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Performance Samples Con Moto Violins B

Larry Shelby

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$79 early-adopter price until ~10AM April 5 (Pacific Standard Time)
$99 intro price ~10AM April 5 through April 12 (full price: $149)

Coming Soon: Con Moto – Violins A, Violas, and Basses

NOTE ON PRICING: Pricing is TBA on the unreleased Con Moto sections. Prices will not be consistent between the different sections (i.e. basses will be priced lower than violins). Bundle pricing at full price will be less discounted than the sum of the intro prices of the individual sections.

Con Moto – Violins B is a string library recorded with motion in the sustains, legato, and attacks/releases. “Active-bow” sustains offer continuously re-expressed vibrato & emotion, via performance & editing approaches. Responsive note attacks and meticulously-timed release samples – derived from units of musical performance – morph with your playing to allow fluent note-length variation, similar to previous Performance Samples libraries. Much in the same vein as Oceania, Con Moto – Violins B continues along the path of “energetic release samples” and appreciation of performance-sourced phrase endings as a critical element of the toolkit in release-sample functionality. Bow-change legato transitions wrap it all together, and with the entire library recorded con moto and musically-restless, the result is a breathing ensemble with coherence in phrasing, vibrato, and expression.

Eight violins (primarily soloist and 1st-chair musicians) from the Capellen Orchestra

Three dynamic layers, from moderately soft to FFF

Bow-change legato con moto (legato with movement in the bowing and vibrato)

“Active-bow” sustains (non-static longs that move and evolve while simultaneously maintaining the dynamic/timbre)

Release samples that respond fluently to note-length variation

Player positioning: divided between 1st and 2nd violins

Recorded in an ambient hall* with multiple mic positions:

Close 1st-Chair

Close Section



Edited by cclarry
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They aren't new.  I have their Fluid Shorts and Caspian Brass.  Their instruments are kind of bare bones featurewise but have really good sound.  Very much meant for keyboard players, no articulation switching, the instrument does most of the work you ride the mod wheel a lot.  Lots of coverage on VI-Control.  They have a "demo/early" version of the Violins for free https://performancesamples.com/conmoto-violinslegacy/

They do have sales from time to time, personally I'd wait for the bundle to be complete then for a black Friday sale.

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You like the Caspian Brass? That is one of their libraries, in particular, that I was looking at. I'm good for strings -- I got more usable string libraries than I'll ever need, at this point -- but I'm never quite been happy with the brass libraries that I have, and am still looking for a one that sounds good and suits my workflow. 

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I like their brass but it's has very narrow focus/usage, but the same can be said of a lot of brass libraries.  I don't think it's worth full price though, unless you are doing some sort of TV/Movie score with a lot of adventure/theme brass bits.  These days I'm mostly just using Forzo, though I recently picked up 90's Retro Trumpets and I find I like playing it more (but it covers a very narrow range too and only trumpets).  I played trumpet in junior high, very badly.  Which I think means I'm less qualified to talk about good vs bad brass libraries, but if you can live with Caspian's limits and need that kind of brass sound I do think it's worth having.  I think the Soundcloud samples they have up are pretty good at showing what it does best.  It's not an all purpose brass library,  so you may need something else to go with it.

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