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SI-DrumKit & Roland E-09 Playback Sync


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Good day - apologies if I don't use exact or correct terms to explain my issue; any assistance welcome.  

For playback I sometimes copy Track 10 (Drums) from the standard midi and paste the notes on Si-Drum Kit which I added as an additional track; thereafter I mute track 10 and use SI-DrumKit for the drums (which to me sound better and offers FX.  

THE PROBLEM:  When I playback the music there seems to be a misalignment on the timing - the music paying on my Roland keyboard seems to either fast or slow by milliseconds; when I play track 10 and the SI-DrumKit at the same time I can also hear that they are not exactly the same.

MY QUESTION:  Is there some settings in Cakewalk or adjustments that can be made to handle this problem?  Or am I just being crazy.

I'm running the software on a Intel i7 10th Generation, 32GB RAM and NVME HDD -- so I believe processing power is not an issue.  The interface to the keyboard is a Roland (UM-One).

Any suggestions welcome. Thank you!  PS:  I've experienced similar problem when playing with SoundFonts combining the Roland with PC Audio.

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On 4/15/2021 at 4:07 PM, 57Gregy said:

Welcome to the forum.
What happens if you set the MIDI track's output to SI-Drums instead of copying the notes to the synth track?

Thanks dude -- Your suggestion made me dig a little deeper.  Setting the MIDI Track to SI-Drums had the same result; I did however figure out a whole bunch of new things having to try and do this :) thanks for that!  If use the Cakewalk TTS one it seems to work great, so I'm not sure what is the difference with SI-Drum Kit (perhaps I'm hearing a problem where there is none).  Also thank you very much for being the only person going to the trouble of making a suggestion -- that is appreciated more than anything!! :) :) 

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It seems what you are doing is using a combination of VST instruments ( SI drums) and a outboard midi hardware device ( Roland ) 

The timing issue might be something in the midi routing to the keyboard. 

There are a lot of things that might cause this, but without more details I would only be speculating. 

My recommendation would be to actually forget using the Roland as a sound device for now until you get a handle on using midi and VST instruments.  Using a outboard devices is a bit more advanced in a way. There are as you discovered very good sounds to be found just in the free stuff that comes with Cakewalk. ANd there are 100's of great free or almost free VST instruments available. Sound fonts are very old school and not widely used anymore. It is the Sample based instruments like SI drums and Bass that are popular. Life is very easy when you use VST instruments and effects with Cakewalk. 

We have lots of tutorials on the subject in the Tutorial sub forum. I have made a whole series you can watch here.  https://sites.google.com/view/cactus-studios/cakewalk-videos.  I walk you through downloading a midi file , using TTS'1 and then replacing those sounds with something better. 

Nothing wrong with outboard gear, but most of us only will us those if the generate a one of a kind sound that was important for a song. Most of the sounds in a Roland keyboard have been easily outdone by VST's. The TTS-1 is based on Roland GM sounds. 


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8 hours ago, snugam said:

Thanks dude -- Your suggestion made me dig a little deeper.  Setting the MIDI Track to SI-Drums had the same result; I did however figure out a whole bunch of new things having to try and do this :) thanks for that!  If use the Cakewalk TTS one it seems to work great, so I'm not sure what is the difference with SI-Drum Kit (perhaps I'm hearing a problem where there is none).  Also thank you very much for being the only person going to the trouble of making a suggestion -- that is appreciated more than anything!! :) :) 

You're welcome.
Fifteen years ago when Cakewalk offered software at different levels such as Music Creator and Home Studio, most new users would start with one of those rather then the more complex (and expensive) SONAR. There were also forums for the lesser programs to help newbies get started.
Now, with what is essentially an updated SONAR Platinum with a zillion options and a thousand page user manual offered for free, new users are sometimes overwhelmed by the complexity and versatility of Cakewalk by Bandlab.
And since this is the only CbB forum (besides the Q & A forum) new users come here to ask some pretty basic questions and may not get an immediate response. I'm not the most knowledgeable guy re: CbB, but sometimes just responding and asking a few questions can get the ball rolling for the Cakewalk literati to jump in. And who knows? I might actually say something relevant. ?

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